USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Time & Place. The Chapter Meeting was held at 12 noon in EDU 150 on USF Tampa.

Attendance & Introductions. Eight members, including five members of the Chapter Council, and one guest.

President’s Report. Update on the USF Lakeland teachout.


  • Treasury. We are solvent.
  • Grievances. Discussion of outstanding grievances.
  • Membership. We will be sending members to a workshop over April 26 – 28.
  • Communications. Biweekly topics for the next few issues.
  • Bargaining. Discussion of outstanding bargaining issues.

Election Results. The Election Committee reported that the following are the results of the chapter election:

  • For president: Paul Terry
  • For vice president: Art Shapiro
  • For secretary: Greg McColm
  • For treasurer: Sonia Wohlmuth
  • For UFF Senate, the president serves ex officio, leaving 22 seats. The 23 candidates were, in order of votes received, Sherman Dorn, Greg McColm, Robert Welker, Sonia Wohlmuth, Steve Lang, Steve Permuth, Valerie Janesick, Vic Peppard, Cecil Greek, Lisa Rapp, Art Shapiro, Adrienne Berarducci, Susan Hurley, Barbara Loeding, John Walker, Frank Pyrtle, Jay Schrock, Katerina Annaraud, Candace Burns, Wayne Jones, and three tied in last place: John Liontas, Barbara Spector and Harry Vanden. Liontas and Spector were chosen by drawing lots; Harry Vanden will serve as an alternate.
  • For FEA Assembly, there are seven seats. There were four declared candidates and six write-in candidates; of these, Daphne Thomas and Thomas Crisp withdrew. The eight remaining candidates were, in order of votes cast, Greg McColm, Paul Terry, Steve Permuth, Art Shapiro, Steve Lang, with Adrienne Berarducci, Candace Burns and John Liontas tied in last place. Burns and Liontas were selected by drawing lots; Adrienne Berarducci will serve as an alternate.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on 24 March 2013.