USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Time & Place. 12 noon at the CDB Restaurant at 3104 E. Fowler Ave.

Minutes. Minutes of the JUne 7 meeting approved.

Attendance. Eight UFF members, including seven members of the Council, the grievance secretary, and one guest.

President’s Report.

  • Recognition of President Genshaft. The UFF reception for President Genshaft was successful and attended by approximately 25 people. UFF will hold a welcoming reception for President Currall in fall.
  • Tenure & Promotion for Consolidated USF. Motion made and seconded to approve the revised guidelines. Motion passed unanimously.
  • Sexual Harassment and Bullying. The Administration has agreed to training for administrators.

New Business.

  • Constitution & Bylaws. The newly amended constitution and bylaws are posted and in force.


  • Collective Bargaining. Discussion of items for bargaining.
  • Grievances. Discussion of a potential grievance.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on 24 June 2019.