USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Time & Place. The Chapter Meeting was held in B226 in USF Sarasota / Manatee.

Attendance. Ten UFF members, including five members of the Council, and two guests.

President’s Report.

  • Facilitating Achievement of Pre-eminence. UFF and the Administration worked together on achieving one of the benchmarks for pre-eminence.
  • SEIU. PERC’s hearing officer recommended approval of SEIU’s petition for an election for adjuncts.

New Business.

  • UFF Senate Meeting. The UFF Senate Meeting is on Oc.t 21 – 22, and there will be a number of amendments to the constitution and bylaws.
  • Situation at USFSP. Discussion of the Administrative situation.

Old Business.

  • Texts authored by faculty. USFSM is working on a policy regarding faculty who use texts that they wrote themselves.


  • Grievances. UFF has grievance representatives at each campus.
  • Membership. There will be a holiday luncheon on Tuesday, November 30.
  • Treasury. We are solvent.
  • Collective Bargaining. Bargaining will commence next fall.

Good of the Order.
We are grateful to Scott Perry for making local arrangments.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on 30 October 2017.