USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Time & Place. The Chapter Meeting was held at 11 am in the Ocean Room in the Student University Center on USF St. Petersburg.

Attendance & Introductions. Twelve members, including six members of the Chapter Council.

Minutes of the previous meeting. Motion made and seconded to approve the minutes; motion approved.

President’s Report. Brief update on Lakeland teach out. Discussion of prospects for the 2014 legislative session.


  • Treasury. We are solvent and all bills are paid. The following budget was proposed for the 2013 – 2014 Fiscal Year, 1 September 2013 – 31 August 2014 by Paul Terry, President, and Sonia Wohlmuth, Treasurer:
    1. Membership and Outreach $ 30,000
    • Travel
    • 2013 Rebates
    • Meeting expenses
    2. Travel Reimbursements $ 5,000
    • State UFF meetings
    • Regional campus meetings
    • National meetings
    3. Office supplies $ 500
    4. Printing / flyers / newsletter $ 10,000
    5. Postage / postal services $ 2,000
    TOTAL $ 47,500

    Note: Anticipated income is $ 35,000 (UFF Rebates in 2014).

    • Motion made and seconded to approve the budget; budget approved.
  • Grievances. Discussion of outstanding grievances.
  • Membership. Membership as USFSP is 41 %. The Chapter Council will meet on next Friday at 11 am to plan a membership campaign.
    • Motion made and seconded, that UFF USF distribute four travel scholarships, two in fall and two in spring, each for $ 500. Motion passes.

    Explanation: the Chapter will issue a flyer calling for applications from (1) UFF members who joined after August 7 and (2) UFF members who recruited new UFF members who joined after August 7. The flyer will go out in October and two eligible applicants will be chosen randomly from the pool in December.

  • Communications. Discussion of the Communications Committee.
  • Bargaining. Discussion of proposals that have been presented.

Other Business.

  • Faculty System Council. Discussion of tenure and promotion, and the budget.
  • Electronic Student Evaluations. Discussion of the procedure for adjusting the current electronic system.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on 21 September 2013.