USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Time & Place. The Chapter Meeting was held at 12:00 pm on USF STampa in EDU 257.

Attendance & Introductions. Nine members, including seven members of the Council, and three guests.

Minutes. Minutes from November 4 meeting approved.

President’s Report.

  • Salary Increases. The raises should appear in the next paycheck.
  • Membership. Ms. Cleary and Ms. Cockrell will continue their work next semester.
  • Elections. Sara Dykins will chair the Election Committee, which is scheduled to be approved on November 30.
  • The National Election. The AFT sent the Chapter a query on the impact of the national election on faculty and students.

Old Business.

  • Holiday Party on November 30. We estimate twenty attendees.

New Business.

  • College of Education. Discussion.

Committee Reports

  • Membership. The Chapter will host several events this spring. Discussion of venues. The winners of the raffle at the last Benefits Fair at USFSP are Camielle Crampsie, Sheila Goethe, Lia Marivaki, and We Guan.
  • Treasury. We are solvent.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on 26 November 2016.