USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Time & Place. The Chapter Meeting was held at 12 noon on USF S. Petersburg in LPH 327.

Attendance. Ten UFF members, including six members of the Council, and one guest.

President’s Report. Discussion of situation at USFSP.

New Business.

  • Ad hoc university committees. UFF will select one member for each of two ad hoc university committees. Joshua Rayman will serve on a committee reviewing student surveys. A member will be selected for a committee reviewing benefits.


  • Communications. The website, including the mail administrator, is suffering technical problems, and requires extensive repairs.
    • Motion made and seconded <.i>to allocate $ 1,000 to $ 2,000 for repairs. Motion passed.
  • Treasury. We are solvent.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on 30 May 2018.