USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Time & Place. The Chapter Meeting was held at 12 noon on USF Tampa at the Village Inn in the USF Tampa area.

Attendance. Nine UFF members, including seven members of the Council, one staff member, and two guests.

Minutes. Minutes of the December 7 meeting approved.

President’s Report.

  • Consolidation. Discussion of flowcharts being circulated. Discussion of tenure and promotion.
  • Susan Ariew. Recovering.
  • Steve Permut. Recovering.
  • Consolidation. Discussion of likely developments.
  • Susan Ariew. Recovering.
  • Membership Campaign. Discussion.

New Business.

  • At-Risk Training. Initialization sequence asked for race, sex, and opinions, which was a violation of federal law, and was fixed.
  • Election Proposal. Nominations will be due on February 28, and ballots due on March 27.
  • Job Codes. A committee is composing new job codes and new titles, and this will require adjusting terms and codes enumerated in Appendix A of the CBA; however, this will not affect the status of any in-unit employee. Discussion.
  • Staff. AFSCME bargaining underway. Discussion.


  • Grievances. Discussion of outstanding grievances and past grievances.
  • Collective Bargaining. In preparation for bargaining:
    • Motion made and seconded that the Chapter conduct a bargaining survey. Motion approved.

    These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on 18 January 2020.