USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Time & Place. The Chapter Meeting was held at 12:00 pm at CDB Restaurant.

Attendance & Introductions. Eleven members, including seven members of the Council, and three guests.

Minutes. Minutes from June 24 meeting approved.

President’s Report.

  • Calendar. The following schedule was proposed for chapter meetings this fall, including a meeting in four weeks. Meetings will be on alternating Fridays at 12 noon, and lunch will be provided.
    • On August 12 & 26, we will meet at CDB Restaurant in Temple Terrace.
    • On September 9 & 23, October 7 & 21, November 4 & 18, and December 2, we will meet on USF campus locations TBD. Two of these meetings will be on the USF Sarasota / Manatee and USF St. Petersburg campuses, the remainder on USF Tampa.
  • Surveys. The Survey committee will produce surveys. UFF is also planning a climate survey.

New Business on the Membership Campaign.

  • Steve Permuth made a presentation regarding addressing specific concerns of particular segments of the bargaining unit. Discussion of illegal retaliation by administrators.
  • UFF will have greeters at the August 8 Orientation for new faculty.
    • Motion made and seconded to allocate $ 2,000 towards promotional materials for the Orientation. Motion passed.
  • Greg McColm made an informational presentation regarding amendments of the Bylaws on chapter elections.
    • Motion made and seconded that there be no write-in candidates in subsequent elections. Motion made and seconded to table the motion. Motion to table passed.


  • Treasury. We are solvent.
  • Bargaining. Discussion of the situation.
  • Communications. We will be setting up a Facebook page.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on 17 July 2016.