USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Time & Place. The Chapter Meeting was held at 12:00 pm at CDB Restaurant.

Attendance & Introductions. Fifteen members, including ten members of the Council, and one guest.

Minutes of 4 December 2015 Meeting. Approved.

President’s Report.

  • UFF has filed public document requests for evaluations of the deans of Education and Nursing.
  • The Membership Committee has organized two socials.
    • One for new employees (although everyone is invited) on Jan. 21 from 4 pm – 6 pm at Longhorn Restaurant at 2110 E. Fowler Ave. in Tampa.
    • One for everyone on Jan. 25 form 6 pm to 10 pm at Ferg’s at 1320 Central Ave. in St. Petersburg.

Schedule for the spring semester. The Chapter will meet on Jan. 29, Feb. 12 & 26, Mar. 11 & 25, Apr 8 & 22. We will meet in a room TBD on USF Tampa except for two meetings, one at USFSP and one at USFSM at dates TBD.

Committee Reports.

  • Grievances. Discussion of outstanding issues.
  • Membership. Discussion of a soiree on January 21.
  • Treasury. We are solvent.
  • Bargaining. Discussion of items for bargaining.

Election 2016. The Chapter resolved to accept the Proposed Timetable for the election and to request that the Election Committee determine the deadline for UFF membership in order to participate in the election.

Travel Scholarships. The Chapter resolved to continue the Travel Scholarship Program. Under a separate motion, the Chapter resolved to offer six $ 500 scholarships rather than the usual four, for a total cost of $ 3,000..

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on 17 January 2016.