USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Time & Place. The Chapter Meeting was held at 12:00 pm at CDB Restaurant in Temple Terrace.

Attendance & Introductions. Nine members, including seven members of the Council, and four guests.

Minutes. Minutes from the December 9 meeting approved.

New Business.

  • Election Proposal. The Election Committee presented a proposal, which was modified as follows:
    • A flyer will be sent out along with the Special Issue of the Biweekly.
    • Biographies and photos will be posted on the Website.
    • The Nomination Form will be an rtf file, and doc, docx, and rtf files are acceptable as submissions.
    • The Biweekly will publish descriptions of candidates on March 6, and ballot materials will be sent on March 9.
    • Ballots will be received at our box at 30238 USF Holly.

    Motion made by the Committee to accept the Election Proposal. Motion passed.

  • Campus Safety. Discussion.
  • Communications. Discussion.
    • Motion made and seconded to maintain an online calendar connected to the website. Motion passes unanimously.
  • Organizing Campaign. Discussion of event planned on March 11. Discussion of other possible events.
    • Motion made and seconded that pending appropriate arrangements for an event at Lowry Park, the Chapter approves a reservation and deposit. Motion approved.
  • Grievances. We will need a new chair.
  • Travel Scholarships. Last semester, the Chapter awarded six $ 500 travel scholarships for professional travel, with the announcement that henceforth, a recipient was not eligible for a year. Recipients would be invited to describe their work in the Biweekly.
    • Motion made and seconded that the Chapter conduct another cycle of the travel scholarships, under the conditions announced last semester. Motion passed.


  • Grievances. Discussion.
  • Treasury. We are solvent.
  • Communications. Discussion.
    • Motion made and seconded to maintain an online calendar connected to the website. Motion passes unanimously.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on 14 January 2017, revised 22 January 2017.