USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Time & Place. The Chapter Meeting was held at 12 noon in at CDB Restaurant in Tamp.

Attendance. Ten UFF members, including six members of the Council, and two guests.

Minutes. Minutes for December 1 are approved.

President’s Report.

  • UFF Governance. UFF President Liz Davenport is leaving FAMU, and has resigned as UFF President.

Old Business.

  • Election. The Proposal of the Election Committee is approved, with the modification that ballots will be due on March 20 and counted on March 21.
    • Motion made and seconded that one travel scholarship shall be awarded by lot to an eligible UFF member who votes in this election

New Business.

  • Calendar. We will meet on January 12 & 26, February 9 & 23, March 9 & 23, and April 6 & 20, the last meeting in the MSC Sabal Room. The February 9 & 23 meetings will be at USFSP and USFSM.
  • SEIU. PERC has denied USF’s appeal, and the USF adjuncts will now have an election to determine if they will be represented by SEIU.


  • Membership. The Membership Committee will coordinate with the Election Committee.
    • Motion made and seconded that the Chapter shall offer five travel scholarships per rules of the last few cycles, to be awarded in Summer or Fall.
  • Communications. The Biweekly will call for members to report accomplishments to be reported in the Biweekly.
  • Treasury. We are solvent.
  • Grievances. There are lots of grievances outstanding, and tenure & promotion season is coming up.
  • Collective Bargaining. Planning for bargaining.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on 14 January 2018.