USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Time & Place. The Chapter Meeting was held at 12:00 pm in USC 150F at USF St. Petersburg.

Attendance & Introductions. Sixteen members, including eight members of the Council, and two guests.

Minutes of 29 January 2015 Meeting. Approved.

President’s Report. Discussion of evaluations of deans.

Schedule for the spring semester. The Chapter will meet on Jan. 29, Feb. 12 & 26, Mar. 11 & 25, Apr 8 & 22. We will meet in EDU 314 on USF Tampa except for two meetings, one at USFSP on Feb. 12 and one at USFSM on Mar. 25.

Committee Reports.

  • Grievances. At Chapter Meetings, unless there is a major outstanding issue, the Grievance Chair will discuss major issues in the contract. This time it was Sections 9.1 and 9.2 on Assignments.
  • Membership. Discussion of strategies for recruitment.
  • Tenure & Promotion Workshops. New policies and criteria coming into force.
  • Treasury. We are solvent.
  • Bargaining. Discussion of items for bargaining.
  • Facebook. Currently, there is a Facebook group. Shall we also have a Facebook page?

New Business.

  • Proposed reorganization of USFSP CAS Environmental Science program. Discussion of the situation.
  • Political action. Discussion of prospects.
  • State College of Florida. UFF has collected enough cards to force an election.
  • Guns on campus. The bill is stuck in committee.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on 24 February 2016.