USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Time & Place. The Chapter Meeting was held at 12:00 pm at CDB Restaurant.

Attendance & Introductions. Ten members, including seven members of the Council, and three guests.

Minutes. Minutes from July 15 meeting approved.

President’s Report.

  • Membership. Successful new faculty orientation.

Old Business.

  • Calendar. The next chapter meeting will be at USF St. Petersburg, location TBD. The remaining meetings of this semester will be on September 9 & 23, October 7 & 21, November 4 & 18, and December 2.
  • Surveys. In September, the Chapter will conduct a survey of instructors.
  • Departmental support. Some departments are not receiving adequate faculty hires. Discussion.
  • Travel scholarships. The Chapter will resume the travel scholarship program, but with restrictions.
    • Motion made and seconded that the Chapter offer six $ 500 travel scholarships this fall for the spring and summer terms, with the following provisos. No employee may win more than one scholarship within a one-year period, beginning with this cycle. Each recipient will be invited to write a paragraph for the Biweekly on their travel, and be invited to an event to be recognized for their work. Motion approved.

New Business.

  • Membership. The organizers report contacting 25 – 30 people.
  • Treasurer’s Report. The annual budget shall be presented at the August 26 Chapter Meeting. The proposed budget will be:
    Items Expenditures 2015 Proposed 2016
    Printing 16,000 19,000
    Chapter & Committee Meetings 5,000 6,000
    Mileage reimbursements 2,600 3,500
    Travel scholarships 2,500 9,000
    Postal services 800 1,500
    Miscellaneous 1,400
    Recruitment (personnel) 10,000
    Recruitment (events) 6,000
    TOTAL 28,300 55,000
  • Chapter Meetings. Discussion of possibility of moving meetings around during the semester.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on 25 August 2016.