USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Time & Place. The Chapter Meeting was held at 12 noon on USF Tampa in EDU 261.

Attendance. Fourteen UFF members, including ten members of the Council.

Minutes. Minutes of the September 27 meeting approved.

President’s Report.

  • Voting today. Voting will be completed today, the results will be forwarded to the Administration on Monday.
  • Consolidation. Discussion of the situation.
  • Currall’s presentation on Monday. Discussion.

New Business.

  • Benefits Fair at USFSP. UFF and AFSCME will be there.
  • Mandatory Title 9 Training at USFSP. Discussion of confidentiality issues.
  • Chapter Meetings. The Chapter will meet at USFSM on November 22.


  • Grievances. Discussion.
  • Treasury. This is the proposed budget for next year:
    ITEM 2018 actual 2019 proposed
    Printing 7900 10000
    Recruiting 5800 8000
    Meetings 4500 5000
    Scholarships 8500 9000
    Travel 1300 2000
    Postage 1900 2500
    Miscellany 420 1000
    Clerical 0 3600
    Total 30120 41100
    Income 43300 45000 (est.)

    Motion to approve the budget approved.

    These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on 23 October 2019.