USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Time & Place. 12 noon at the CDB Restaurant at 3104 E. Fowler Ave.

Minutes. Minutes of the April 12 meeting approved.

Attendance. Nine UFF members, the new grievance secretary, and one guest.

President’s Report.

  • The USF Budget. The USF Budget still seems to be in flux and it still isn’t clear who is getting what. It appears that there will be reductions ($$ 5 million, St. Pete possibly receiving $ 3.5 million).
  • Recognition of President Genshaft. The UFF reception for President Genshaft is being planned for June 18 from 4:30-6:30 at Top of the Palms. The group voted to invite all UFF members and perhaps extend the invitation to non-members. RSVPs will be needed so planners can figure out how much food and beverages to order. Committee volunteers are needed for this event.
  • Tenure and Promotion. UFF Input into the T & P document. Steve Lang has been representing UFF interests, but UFF participation has been minimal. Revisions included:
    • Removal of construct of collegiality from T & P guidelines.
    • Removal of voluntary agreement to cede faculty right to see all T & P documents.
    • T&P revision is still in process but getting close.
    • It has to be agreed upon by UFF or it will take a year to implement it.
    • T&P will eventually need to come to the bargaining table in that the union needs to agree to changes to T & P.
  • USFSP. Concern expressed by the BOT and others about conditions at the St. Pete campus..
  • Halftime visiting instructors. Recommendation to Drs. Smith and Garey that half time instructors be considered as members of the bargaining unit.
  • A New Grievance Coordinator. The USF UFF Chapter now has a secretary to coordinate grievances, Carol Didomenico. Her duties include:
    1. Organizing grievances as they come in.
    2. Keeping abreast of all deadlines.
    3. Informing Grievance Committee Chair and members of all deadlines.
    4. Creating a spreadsheet and making weekly reports to Grievance Chair and Committee.
    5. Keep track of hours @ $ 20.00/hour.
    6. Other duties as needed.
  • Grievance Workshop. Discussion about scheduling a workshop on the grievance process included an invitation to Graham Pickelsheimer to lead it on May 31 or sometime between June 10-14.

New Business.

  • Consolidation. Consolidation and issues on the campuses.
  • “Branch Campuses”. The group would like clarification about what naming the St. Pete campus as a “branch campus” means..
  • Summer activities. Here is a comparison between the spring of 2019 and the spring of 2018 between the travel scholarship announcement and the travel scholarship deadline:
    1. Party at Tampa Bay Rays Monday, July 1st, a night game against the White Sox. Cecil Greek is organizing it. The members voted to pay for 35 entry tickets. Participants will be able to buy food on their own. This needs to be publicized ASAP.
    2. Tailgate at USF/Wisconsin game on August 30. Steve Lang is organizing this and the group supported it.

Old Business.

  • Calendar of Meetings. Establish a calendar for the summer and the fall. Dates include June 10, 24, July 12, 26. Do we meet at St. Pete and Sarasota on some of these dates? Fall calendar will be taken up at the next meeting on May 24.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on 23 May 2019 from notes kindly provided by Susan Ariew.