USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Time & Place. The Chapter Meeting was held at 12 noon at CDB Restaurant in Temple Terrace.

Attendance. Thirteen UFF members, including nine members of the Council, and three guests.

Minutes. April 20 minutes approved.

President’s Report.

  • UFF will select some members to represent faculty in a committee concerning the consolidation of the USF system. Discussion of accreditation.
  • UFF will select some members to represent faculty in a committee reviewing student evaluations.

Old Business.

  • Discussion of USF hiring graduate assistants to teach summer courses.

New Business.

  • Politics. The new political education committee needs to get launched.
  • Membership. The membership committee needs to get launched.
  • Scholarship. In the 1990s, UFF USF Chapter President Cook set up a UFF scholarship. UFF will explore the possibility of reviving it. President Shapiro will appoint an ad hoc committee to explore the possibility.


  • Grievances. A number of Step One decisions have just been handed down.
  • Membership. We will explore the possibility of having breakfasts or lunches before departmental faculty meetings.
    • Motion made and seconded that UFF will attend New Faculty Orientation in August, and that the chapter shall provide requisite resources. Motion approved.
  • Collective Bargaining. Discussion of bargaining priorities.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on 3 June 2018.