UFF/USF Chapter Meeting
March 23, 2007
Attendance: J. Martin, S. Ramírez Wohlmuth, J. Noonan, M. Klisch, S. Permuth, B. Welker, G. McColm, S. Dorn, S. Singh, R. Weatherford, P. Terry, M. Karlins, M. Gibbons, S. Johnston, S. Lang

The agenda was adopted without objection.
Bargaining will resume at 2 p.m. on Monday, March 26, 2007. Among others, one of the hang-ups is the effective date of the raises. The UFF bargaining team will be presenting a memorandum of understanding on summer pay at Monday’s meeting.
Chapter Elections Report:
Chair of the election committee, Greg McColm, presented the final election report. Sherman Dorn was elected President. Other officers are Mark Klisch, Vice President, Jana Martin, Secretary, and Sonia Ramírez Wohlmuth is now treasurer. Delegates to the FEA Delegate Assembly are Marilyn Jean Bartlett, Ilene Frank, Mark Klisch, Jana Martin, Gregory McColm, Steve Permuth, and Roy Weatherford. UFF Senators are Marilyn Jean Bartlett, Ilene Frank, Bob Ingalls, Mark Klisch, Jana Martin, Greg McColm, Kathleen de la Peña McCook, Steve Permuth, Art Shapiro, Nancy Jane Tyson, Harry Vanden, Bob Welker, and Sonia Ramírez Wohlmuth.
J. W. Strickland Contribution:
Roy Weatherford mentioned that Mr. Strickland, one of the ‘grand old men of labor’ in Hillsborough County and a longtime activist in the Democratic Party in the county and state, has retired and is in financial straits. A motion was made, seconded and passed to donate $100 of chapter monies to a fund set up by the Central Labor Council in his behalf.
Surendra Singh:
The agenda was suspended in order to officially observe the retirement of Surendra Singh. He was presented with a token of appreciation from a grateful chapter for all his hard work over many years. Dr. Singh has served as chapter president, grievance chair, senator, and most recently as the chair of the UFF statewide Contract Enforcement Committee.
Roy Weatherford:
The chapter also presented Roy Weatherford with a token of appreciation for his years of service as chapter president – especially at a crucial time in the history of the chapter, the university and higher education in the state of Florida.
Because the new dates that were chosen for consultation were not compatible with the schedule of the new chapter president, a new round of dates will need to be sent to administration. Because there has been no consultation yet this spring semester, the chapter will request 2 dates. There are plenty of topics for discussion to cover these two requested meetings.
There was some discussion of the ICAR document, one of the items on the agenda; it was discussed at length.

Treasurer: There is money in the chapter account. The current treasurer is ready to turn over data and files to the newly elected Sonia Wohlmuth.
Grievances: The chapter grievance on the Board of Trustees Agenda was denied on all accounts at Step II. The chapter must now decide what to do–drop it or take it on to arbitration. Email Mark Klisch to have him send a copy to you to help in making the decision. Also, the administration has proposed alternative language for the Code of Financial Conduct in response to that grievance. This will need a response from the chapter, so email Mark Klisch to have him send a copy to you.
Newsletter: Today’s Biweekly is long, having extensive coverage of the Employee Free Choice Act. Greg McColm is working on the last issue this academic year of Uncommon Sense and is seeking guest writers if anyone is interested.
Membership: Two new members have joined in the last two weeks. Roy Weatherford reported that he personally gave Charlie Justice a membership form.
There being no Good of the Order, the meeting adjourned at 1:34 p.m.