Draft agenda, UFF-USF Chapter, general membership meeting, October 9, 2009
The meeting will start at noon in SOC 258 and will conclude at 1:30 pm (with an automatic motion to close debate on any main motion and amendments currently on the floor).
1. Consideration of governance amendments recommended by member motions at August 28 meeting. (These would move all future amendments away from membership meetings and into a balloting process involving the entire chapter membership.)
2. Consideration of the ad hoc committee report on governance documents. (The ad hoc committe’s recommendations are at http://uff.ourusf.org/connections/PROPOSAL082809.doc and a select comparison of variants on two issues discussed in prior meetings is at http://www.uff.ourusf.org/connections/PROPOSAL082809variant.doc .)
3. Request for public-policy action by UFF’s affiliates.
4. Followup on meetings with sociology and English department faculty.
5. Instructor promotion track
6. Reports


  • Membership
  • Grievances
  • Communications
  • Treasury
  • Campus unions
  • Bargaining
  • Faculty Senate

7. For the good of the order