Draft agenda, UFF-USF chapter meeting
May 16, 2008, 12 noon

  1. Introductions/agenda amendments/approval
  2. Quick reports, etc.
    1. Membership
    2. Fall release units
    3. Request to restrict USF faculty salary data available on web
    4. West Central Florida Federation of Labor candidate screenings (Political action here)
    5. Drawing for gift cards (legislative session public education/advocacy)
  3. Budget crunch actions
    1. Faculty senate meeting
    2. Public education/publicity (Communications here)
    3. Layoff watch/plans
  4. Grievances
  5. Bargaining
    1. CB session report
    2. Ratification logistics — advanced planning
  6. Treasury
  7. Summer activities
    1. Survey of unit for brain-drain
    2. ???
  8. Other business
  9. For the good of the order