Time and place. The meeting was conducted at 12 noon on USF Tampa in EDU161.

Attendance. Nine members and one guest.

Minutes. October 25 minutes approved.

President’s Report.

  • Certification. Our lawyers do not know what SOI cards PERC will want because PERC does not know what SOI cards PERC will want. Our lawyers recommend that we continue collecting them.
  • Litigation. Several cases are outstanding. Most ULPs are settled quietly. Discussion.
  • Social. There will be a social on November 15 after the bargaining session.

New Business.

  • Constitution and Bylaws. The ad hoc committee presented a proposal to make changes to the chapter and bylaws to make the following effect: instead of requiring the appointments require the consent of the Council, appointments go into effect if no objection from the Council. Proposal is approved, pending wordsmithing.
  • Email security. All emails passing through the USF server are subject to review by the USF Administration and to public document requests. Therefore, all sensitive materials should be sent via personal email.

Committee Reports.

  • Membership. The Committee will distributed promotional materials. It is planning to visit the Board of Governors meeting at UNF on January 29. There is a new Communications Committee that is exploring how to communicate with bargaining units and the public.
  • Treasury. We are solvent.
  • Publicity. It takes time to produce fliers, posters and packets, and the Committee strongly recommends submitting materials many weeks in advance.

  • Treasury. We are solvent.
  • Bargaining. There will be a bargaining session on November 15.

These minutes were respectfully submitted on 17 November 2024.