Time and place. This meeting was conducted at 12 noon in CGS 203, although it was accessible through Zoom.
Sixteen members, including six members of the Council, and two guests.
Minutes. Minutes for the March 25 meeting were approved.
President’s Report & Essential Issues.
- Chapter Election Results. The following were the final tally from the election:
- For President: Steve Lang (73 votes).
- For Vice President: Arthur Shapiro (72 votes).
- For Treasurer: Sonia Wohlmuth (73 votes)
- For Secretary: Greg McColm (72 votes)
- For the Senate (21 seats, and the President serves ex officio): Katherine Alfredo (55 votes), Hossam Ashour (59 votes), Karin Braunsberger (63 votes), Joy D’Andrea (59 votes), Steve Lang (64 votes), John Lennon (62 votes), Richard Manning (59 votes), Greg McColm (61 votes), Matthew Knight (55 votes), Cynthia Patterson (59 votes), Vic Peppard (61 votes), Steve Permuth (56 votes), Frank Pyrtle III (52 votes), Steve Reader (52 votes), Debra Sinclair (58 votes), Brian Thompson (50 votes), Robert Welker (55 votes), and Sonia Wohlmuth (65 votes). As there were only 18 candidates, all are elected, and the remaining three seats shall be filled by the Chapter Council.
- For the Delegate Assembly (11 seats): Katherine Alfredo (57 votes), Hossam Ashour (50 votes), Karin Braunsberger (60 votes), Steve Lang (59 votes), John Lennon (53 votes), Richard Manning (55 votes), Greg McColm (53 votes), LaSonya Moore (59 votes), Cynthia Patterson (59 votes), Steve Permuth (47 votes), Frank Pyrtle III (39 votes), and Arthur Shapiro (49 votes). Alfredo, Ashour, Braunsberger, Lang, Lennon, Manning, McColm, Moore, Patterson, Permuth, and Shapiro are elected and Pyrtle is an alternate.
Officers and representatives take their new positions immediately.
- The Legislative Session. The Legislature allocated USF a 34% increase in E&G funding. Discussion of several anti-higher education bills passed.
- Report on USF’s finances. The report states that USF has resources.
New Business
These minutes were respectfully submitted on 18 April 2022.