Time and place. This meeting was conducted at 12 noon on USF St. Petersburg at USC in the Palm Room and on Zoom.
Attendance. 16 members and one staff member
Minutes. Minutes for the September 9 meeting were approved.
President’s Report.
- Report on the Hurricane. The vice provost broadcast an advisory before the storm which, among other things, stated “Please understand that anyone staying in a university building during the storm will face severe disciplinary consequences.” Discussion.
- Meeting with USFSP Administration. Use and abuse of indices are a major problem.
- University of Florida Senator Ben Sasse is the sole finalist in the UF presidential search.
New Business
- Get Out The Vote. Discussion of current efforts.
- Grievance Training. It will be held after the chapter meeting.
- Post Tenure Review. There is a chance that the Board of Governors will consider post tenure review at their next meeting here at USF on Nov. 9 & 10. We will send out an Extra and a hardcopy newsletter and possibly calling on faculty to attend the meeting; the Executive Committee will consider logistics.
Old Business
- Fall Socials. Discussion.
- Simple Syllabus. The College of Nursing is considering requiring faculty to use templates provided by Simple Syllabus when composing their syllabi.
- Grievances. We have a number of serious situations.
- Membership. The benefits fairs will be on Oct. 18 from 9 to 2 at USF Sarasota / Manatee, Oct. 19 from 9 to 2 at USF St. Petersburg, and Oct. 20 from 9 to 2 at USF Tampa. We need volunteers to help out. During that week, union recruiters will be visiting USF campus, and we are asking UFF members to volunteer to accompany a recruiter visiting officers; here is the sign up site; a call for volunteers will go out in a Biweekly Special.
- Government Relations. We need people to contact their legislators about post tenure review. The Government Relations chair has resigned from the Central Labor Council.
- Treasury. We are solvent.
These minutes were respectfully submitted on 8 October 2022.