Time and place. The meeting was conducted at 12 noon on USF Tampa in EDU254 and on Zoom.

Attendance. 24 UFF members

Minutes. September 22 minutes approved.

President’s Report.

  • Post Tenure Faculty Review. The USF Chapter has filed an Unfair Labor Practice charge.
  • Decertification. SB 256 requires at least 60% membership density, but it has serious constitutional problems and is in court. But litigation proceeds slowly; discussion of how it will or can be implemented in the meantime.

New Business.

  • Videos for Membership and Outreach. Discussion.
  • Membership Blitz. There will be a membership drive later this month.
  • Workload. We are hearing reports of faculty being asked to cover for absent colleagues.

    These minutes were respectfully submitted on 16 October 2023.