Time and place. This meeting was conducted at 12 noon on Zoom.
Attendance. 14 members, one staff member, and one guest
Minutes. Minutes for the July 8 meeting were approved.
President’s Report.
- Update on dealing with recent legislation. Several organizations have filed lawsuits concerning HB 7.
- Update on Get Out The Vote. We continue to encourage everyone eligible to vote to register and vote.
New Business
- UFF Senate Meeting. The Senate will meet in Orlando on September 17 & 18. Council members should register asap.
- Affiliate webinars. There have been several; here are notes on the UFF webinar on HB 7.
- Fall Schedule. The chapter will meet on alternate Fridays, starting on August 26.
- New Faculty Orientation. New Faculty Orientation is on August 9; we will hold a social at World of Beer that afternoon.
- Additional Socials. Discussion.
- Labor Day Picnic. Any UFF member who wants to attend the Labor Day Picnic should contact the Chapter Secretary by August 31. This picnic will be advertised on Facebook, Twitter, and a Biweekly Special to members.
- College of Nursing. UFF will meet with the College of Nursing on August 23.
Old Business
- Grievances. We have a lot of grievances.
- Membership. The Membership Committee and fellows are visiting faculty.
- Government Relations. We are active in getting out the vote.
- Publicity. There will be a Special to members each month announcing the calendar for that month.
- Bargaining. Hardcopies of the CBA will soon be sent out by mail.
- Treasury. We are solvent.
These minutes were respectfully submitted on 13 August 2022.