Time and place. This meeting was conducted at 12 noon on Zoom.

Attendance. 24 members attending, including eleven members of the Council, and one staff member.

Minutes. Minutes for the July 16 meeting were approved.

President’s Report & Essential Issues.

  • S. Currall’s Retirement and the Appoint of R. Law. Discussion of the search for a new permanent president.
  • Reopening USF. What to do if a student tests positive? The guidelines in the toolkit are not sufficiently clear.
    • Motion made and seconded that the Chapter shall send a letter to Administration to asking for a clear set of guidelines for what to do if a student tests positive including what to report to whom, and whether and how long to move classes online, Motion passes.

New Business.

  • HB 233. The state office of FEA is preparing a packet on dealing with this legislation.


  • Grievances. Discussion.
  • Collective Bargaining. Discussion of the BOT proposals.
  • Treasury. We are solvent.
  • Government Relations. There will a call for volunteers in the Biweekly.

These minutes were respectfully submitted on 9 August 2021.