Time and place. The meeting was conducted at 12 noon on Zoom.
Attendance. Eleven members and three guests.
Minutes. July 26 minutes approved.
President’s Report.
- Upcoming Board of Trustees Meeting. We ask faculty to attend the Board of Trustees meeting on 10 September 2024 starting at 9:30 on USF St. Petersburg in the University Student Center. Note. The SUS Board of Governors will be meeting at USF Tampa on Sept. 18 & 19.
- Upcoming Bargaining Session. We ask faculty to attend the Bargaining Session on 6 September 2024 starting at 1:30 on USF Tampa in the Patel Center, room CGS 140.
- UFF Membership. We have been informed that USF is one of seven units to undergo a certification election soon – whatever soon means.
- Legal Update. There is a lot of litigation going on, and we will report developments when the lawyers think that it is advisable to go public.
- Affiliate Meetings. The FEA Delegate Assembly will meet on Sept. .20 & 21 and the UFF Senate will meet on Oct. 19 & 20.
New Business.
- Constitution and Bylaws. Amendments are to be proposed at a subsequent chapter meeting.
- Surveys. There is a new policy on surveys, the import of which is unclear. Any policy affecting surveys conducted within classes impinges on the contract and must be bargained..
Committee Reports.
- Treasury. The Treasurer presented a budget for 2024 – 25.
- Motion made and seconded, and amended to include a clerical person to assist UFF members with their pay stubs, that the budget below be approved. Motion passed.
Proposed for 2023-2024 Proposed for 2024-2025 Printing/photocopies $15,000 $18,000 Recruitment $12,500 $15,000 Meetings $7,500 $7,500 Travel $6,000 $6,000 New member rebates $20,000 $00.00 Communication & web site $5,000 $6,000 Postal services $200 $300 USF public records/data requests/legal $8,000 $12,000 Clerical support (paycheck audit) $1,500 $5,000 Misc $2,500 $2,500 Bank fees $30 $30 $78,230 $70,330
- Motion made and seconded, and amended to include a clerical person to assist UFF members with their pay stubs, that the budget below be approved. Motion passed.
- Grievances. We have an unprecedented number of grievances, some of them concerning appalling treatment of faculty. Discussion.
- Publicity. We need to get faculty engaged. Discussion.
These minutes were respectfully submitted on 30 August 2024.