Time and place. This meeting was conducted at 12 noon online through Zoom.
Attendance. Eighteen members.
Minutes. Minutes for the May 13 meeting were approved.
Essential Issues and President’s Report
- Ratification. In previous years, the Board of Trustees often would hold a special meeting to ratify a contract. They have not done so, but there is a meeting coming up on June 15.
- Salary Iniquities. There may be a report on salary iniquities, and we will pursue that possibility.
- Legislation. UFF has a lawsuit pending on the survey mandated by HB 233, and meanwhile, several organizations are exploring the possibility of lawsuits over HB 7. Meanwhile, other Florida institutions appear to be considering implementing post tenure review per SB 7044.
New Business
- Summer Socials. There will be a Social at Ferg’s on June 6 starting at 6 pm. Other socials are being considered. We will continue to distribute shirts.
- Grievances. We have an unusual number of grievances lately.
- Membership. We are regrouping for the summer.
- Government Relations. Discussion.
- Treasury. We are solvent.
These minutes were respectfully submitted on 5 June 2022.