Time and place. This meeting was conducted at 12 noon on Zoom.
Attendance. 28 members attending eight members of the Council, and one staff, and two guests.
Minutes. Minutes for the October 9 and September 25 meetings were approved.
President’s Report & Essential Issues.
- USF’s Financial Situation.
Discussion of the proposal to shut down the undergraduate program in the College of Education, and the way that the proposal was presented. Local school districts are complaining loudly. - USF’s Covid-19 Situation.
There are reports that the universities are being threatened with additional cuts if they do not open more hybrid or F2F classes in spring: we are informed SUS Chancellor Marshall Criser III told the SUS faculty senate presidents that there was no such ultimatum. - UFF Townhalls.
UFF held a townhall last week on budget cuts, and will hold one on Oct. 30 on early retirement proposals.
Committee Reports.
- Grievance Committee.
We are getting reports of non-renewals. - Membership.
We need volunteers - Government Relations.
The West Central Florida Federation of Labor wants volunteers. - Treasury.
We are solvent. - Tenure & Promotion Workshop.
We had about a dozen attendees. - Collective Bargaining.
We are working on proposals. The Chief Negotiator advises that any university regulation or policy inconsistent with the contract cannot be enforced.
These minutes were respectfully submitted on 1 November 2020.