Time and place. This meeting was conducted at 12 noon on Zoom.
Nineteen members, including ten members of the Council, and two guests.
Minutes. Minutes for the October 8 meeting were approved.
President’s Report & Essential Issues.
- Statement on the Presidential Search. Hardcopies of the statement composed by the Executive Committee were sent and ads ran in The Crow’s Nest, the Oracle, and the Tampa Bay Times.
- Modality for spring meetings. The pandemic situation this spring is uncertain.
- Motion made and seconded to hold chapter meetings online this spring. Motion withdrawn.
New Business.
- Regional campuses. Discussion of the situation at USF St. Petersburg.
- Bargaining. At the request of the USF Administration, the bargaining session was postponed.
- Grievances. The Grievance Committee has adjusted its bookkeeping following the retirement of chapter staff support. Discussion of recent student complaints. Discussion of MUMA’s research evaluation procedures.
- Government Relations. Discussion of HEROS program.
- Treasury. We are solvent.
These minutes were respectfully submitted on 30 October 2021.