Time and place. The meeting was conducted at 12 noon on USF Tampa in EDU161 and on Zoom.
Attendance. Ten members and two staff.
Minutes. November 8 minutes approved.
President’s Report.
- PERC. PERC has spent its entire allocation of $750K and has requested $9M to run the certification elections mandated by the Legislature. So far, FEA has won every certification election, but AFSCME has failed to meet some certifications. Meanwhile, PERC’s behavior is increasingly strange, and we will continue to send SOI cards as a precautionary measure.
New Business.
- Board of Governors. Cynthia Patterson will lead a delegation to UNF on January 29 to attend the BOG meeting.
Old Business.
- Constitution and Bylaws. Amendments will be proposed at the next meeting.
Committee Reports.
- Membership. The Social at New World Brewery drew over twenty people; the next one is at Dunderbak’s on Dec. 12. There will be another one at New World Brewery, and we are seeking a venue in St. Petersburg.
- Treasury. We are solvent. The state is making additional paperwork requirements on us.
Publicity. We will have more fliers and videos.
- Treasury. We are solvent.
- Bargaining. We received a lot of positive feedback from faculty for the last bargaining session, but the Administration team did not prepare anything.
- Grievances. A lot of grievances, and the Administration is not handling them properly; some have wound up in court.
These minutes were respectfully submitted on 3 December 2024.