Time and place. This meeting was conducted at 12 noon in EDU 261, although it was accessible through Zoom.

Attendance. Twenty members, including eleven members of the Council, one guest and one unknown.

Minutes. Minutes for the April 8 meeting were approved.

President’s Report & Essential Issues.

  • Ratification Election. The ratification election shall be conducted by mail, with ballots sent to home addresses and due back on May 12. They will be counted on May 13.
  • Unfair Labor Practice. The ULP that UFF filed against USF will be heard on Monday, April 25.
  • Viewpoint Diversity Survey. The FEA has filed suit against the use of the survey.
  • Board of Trustees. Our new president will continue the practice of attending BOT meetings. He would like company.

New Business

  • Future Elections. An Ad Hoc Committee has been appointed to study the chapter election process and make recommendations to the Chapter. The Committee consists of Susan Ariew, Karin Braunsberger, Gregory McColm, Cynthia Patterson, Arthur Shapiro, and Debra Sinclair.
  • Situation in Sarasota and St. Petersburg. There continue to be problems with scheduling, assignments, and payment for mileage.
  • Cash Rebates for New Members. A proposal is being developed.
  • Shirts for officers and representatives. Uniform shirts will be obtained for officers and representatives.
  • Summer Schedule. The Chapter will meet on May 13, and on alternate Fridays after that, during the summer.
  • Socials. Discussion of possible social events during the symmer.


  • Grievances. Discussion of outstanding problems and grievances, including an arbitration scheduled for the end of May.
  • Bargaining. There is a town hall scheduled for after the chapter meeting.
  • Government Relations. This was a hard legislative session..
  • Treasury. We are solvent.

    These minutes were respectfully submitted on 29 April 2022.