Time and place. The meeting was conducted at 12 noon on USF Sarasota / Manatee in B229 and on Zoom.
Attendance. Eighteen UFF members and one guest
Minutes. Minutes of the 7 October 2022 meeting approved.
President’s Report.
- Salary Issues. Promotional salaries this year appear to have been incremented non-cumulatively, but merely by having the percentages for the promotional and merit raises added. Discussion.
- Post Tenure Review. There are now several outstanding lawsuits against HB 233 and HB 7. Meanwhile, a proposal to have the SUS implement the post tenure review enabled by SB 7044 may be on the Nov. 9-10 agenda of the BOG meeting at USF. We may organize an activity at the meeting, but we are waiting on the UFF office in Tallahassee, which has organized a Post Tenure Review task force.
New Business
- Get Out The Vote. Early voting will soon be underway.
- Provost Searches. Three candidates have AAU backgrounds. Discussion of the AAU, football, and the effect of recent legislation on AAU aspirations.
- Benefits Fairs. UFF had tables at the upcoming benefits fairs, but there were few faculty attendees.
Old Business
- Socials. There will be a Social at Ferg’s on November 1 starting at 6 pm.
- Grievances. There are a lot of grievances. There are a number of spurious student complaints against faculty.
- Government Relations. We are visiting legislators.
- Collective Bargaining. Discussion of equity problems for instructors.
- Treasury. We are solvent.
These minutes were respectfully submitted on 27 October 2022.