Time and place. The meeting was conducted at 12 noon on USF Tampa in the EDU 161 and on Zoom.
Attendance. Fifteen UFF members and four guests.
Minutes. May 19 minutes approved.
President’s Report.
- Organizing / eDues campaign. Meredith Cleary will be our new organizer.
- Salary Equity and Regional Campuses. The Administration arranged for a study which concluded that in comparing rank, performance, and assignments, USF St. Petersburg faculty salaries were approximately $30K below that of USF Tampa faculty salaries. The Administration explored the possibility of a mean raise of $15K, but the alternative of a raises of at most $5K was floated. No decision seems to have been made as of yet.
- Chapter Council. We are still short of volunteers to serve as senators.
New Business
- AAU. USF was just inducted into the AAU.
Old Business
- Chapter Rebates. Dues rebates for new members shall be funded from current funds per following resolution:
- Motion made and seconded to return this year’s rebate without prejudice per future rebates. Motion approved.
- Grievances. The eight new grievances have been consolidated into a grievance on the INTO layoffs. A number of units are not following the CBA or even USF regulations. Discussion of these and other issues, in particular: there are no outstanding grievances concerning the content of speech or expression.
- Membership. We need more volunteers.
- Publicity. We now have a trial account for Constant Contact and have acquired the domain name uffusf.org.
- Collective Bargaining. Discussion of 2024, in particular, the budget and Post Tenure Review.
These minutes were respectfully submitted on 3 June 2023; corrected 29 June 2023.