Time and place. This meeting was conducted at 12 noon on Zoom.
Attendance. Sixteen members attending, including nine members of the Council, one one staff member, and one guest.
Minutes. Minutes for the June 18 meeting were approved.
President’s Report & Essential Issues.
- Reopening USF. Session B started this week, and is face-to-face. We are watching the situation carefully.
- USF Budget. The President has proposed a budget for FY2022. Discussion.
New Business.
- HB 233. A UFF USF Biweekly Extra will go out this weekend on what we have thus far.
- Meetings in fall. Meetings could be face-to-face, online, or hybrid. Or we could have a mixture of meetings. Discussion.
- Tailgate. We will need to know approximately how many will attend by mid-August.
- Collective Bargaining. Bargaining will commence on July 9 at 2 pm in the HR Training Room in the SVC building on the second floor.
- Grievances. There are a number of assignment and evaluation complaints in the branch campuses.
- Membership. We have recruited nine members, and will focus on recruiting recruiters for the remainder of the summer. We are working on a system for reconciling membership lists with our sources of information.
- Treasury. We are solvent.
These minutes were respectfully submitted on 2 July 2021.