Time and place. This meeting was conducted at 12 noon on Zoom.

Seventeen members, including nine members of the Council, and one guest.

Minutes. Minutes for the November 5 meeting were approved.

President’s Report & Essential Issues.

  • UF Situation. Discussion.
  • COVID 19 Infection Report. At the moment, it is receding.
  • Presidential Search. The Tampa Bay Times has reported that the USF Board of Trustees has made a football stadium a priority. Discussion.
  • Disinformation. Deans are telling faculty that UFF is dragging its feet in bargaining.
  • Possible bill on tenure. As of this meeting, such a bill is not in the hopper.
  • Analysis of the USF Budget. In progress.


  • Collective Bargaining. No movement. Discussion.
  • Grievances. Discussion.
  • Membership. Discussion of UFF USF’s publicity machine. We are setting up a steward system. Discussion of dues.
  • Government Relations. We need volunteers.
  • Treasury. We are solvent.

These minutes were respectfully submitted on 22 November 2021.