Time and place. The meeting was conducted at 12 noon on USF Tampa in EDU161.
Attendance. Twelve members.
Minutes. June 14 and June 28 minutes approved.
President’s Report.
- Retention. People are leaving USF.
- Motion made and seconded to refile a public document request for all faculty at USF as of January 1, 2020 and January 1, 2024, together with their research assignments and external funding, whether as a PI or co-PI. Estimated cost $1,800. Motion approved.
- We have several upcoming events.
- Government Relations training. To be set up in late July or early August.
- July 30 Rays game. We are nearly out of tickets and are purchasing more.
- Artificial Intelligence Discussion / Workshop. To be scheduled for the Monday preceding the first week of classes.
- Labor Day Picnic. The West Central Florida Federation of Labor holds a picnic for families and politicians, and the Chapter pays for tickets of members and families to attend.
- UFF Membership. The UFF office is making some changes in procedures.
- Old Files. We will need volunteers to box files.
New Business.
- Constitution and Bylaws. The Ad Hoc Committee will make proposals for several revisions to be considered in early Fall. A working draft of the current iteration is online. The draft and the charge will be announced in the upcoming regular Biweekly and it will solicit comments.
Committee Reports.
- Bargaining. Discussion of ongoing litigation and its effects on bargaining. There is evidence that both state government and university policies are discouraging applicants for new positions.
- Membership. We are planning a number of events.
- Treasury. We are solvent.
- Government Relations. This summer, we will seek to visit local legislators.
These minutes were respectfully submitted on 12 July 2024.