Time and place. This meeting was conducted at 12 noon on Zoom.
Nineteen members, including nine members of the Council.
Minutes. Minutes for the January 28 meeting were approved.
President’s Report & Essential Issues.
- Presidential Searches. Senate Bill 520 exempting college and university presidential searches from Sunshine was fast tracked through the Senate.
- Accreditation. Senate Bill 7044 / House Bill 7051 two require institutions to change accreditors each cycle are being pushed through the Legislature. (The Council for Higher Education Accreditation oversees the accreditors.) Discussion.
- Critical Race Theory. Discussion of the current status of the controversy over critical race theory.
- Website. Motion made and seconded to contract the maintenance of the website. Motion approved.
COVID 19 Infection Report. Discussion.
Survey on faculty perceptions of the state of the university. Some results will be reported in the Town Hall. Discussion.
New Business.
- Motion made and seconded to approve $20,000 for health and $2,500 for travel. Motion approved.
These minutes were respectfully submitted on 20 February 2022.