Time and place. The meeting was conducted at 12 noon on USF Tampa in the EDU 161 and on Zoom.
Attendance. Nineteen UFF members and one staff member.
Minutes. July 28 minutes approved.
President’s Report.
- Post Tenure Review. As of August 11, the UFF has not received a copy of the proposed PTR regulation for USF.
- Contract workshop. The next chapter meeting will be in MSC3711, followed by a workshop on the contract, focusing on the grievance process.
- New regional director. Introducing Alison Clarke.
New Business
- Meetings on Regional Campuses. The Chapter will meet on USFSP sometime in October and in USFSM sometime in November.
Old Business
- eDues. There may soon be a deadline for switching to eDues.
- Grievances. There are a lot of grievances. It is important to document events and materials when there is a chance for a grievance.
- Membership. Discussion of flyers and other recruiting devices.
- Publicity. Discussion of townhall and podcasts.
- Treasury. We are solvent.
These minutes were respectfully submitted on 21 August 2023.