Time and place. The meeting was conducted at 12 noon on USF Tampa in EDU415 and on Zoom.
Attendance. Seventeen UFF members, and one staff member
Minutes. Minutes of the 24 February 2023 meeting approved.
President’s Report.
- Woke. Florida higher education is getting a lot of media attention. Litigation over last year’s legislation continues. Universities have received a request from the Chancellor for collective bargaining costs in addition to DEI costs.
- New Provost. Discussion.
New Business
- Legislative Session. Searches have been impacted by the legislative situation.
- GAU. The GAU has a new set of officers, and we will meet with them at Dunderbak’s.
- State contact. Lauren Byers is taking over as our contact, and will oversee the fellows.
- Grievance Training. We may have a training soon on Weingarten rights.
Old Business
- Social. There will be a social soon in St. Petersburg.
- Grievances. We have a number of grievances running. Four SDS students were manhandled and arrested during a demonstration in the lobby of the Patel Center. Discussion. The USF Administration is responding slowly to public document requests.
- Government Relations. It is important to contact legislators.
- Treasury. We are solvent.
- Collective Bargaining. Discussion.
These minutes were respectfully submitted on 19 March 2023.