Meeting at 12:30 pm at CDB Restaurant, jointly with a Chapter Meeting, chaired by P. Terry (Chapter President)

Present: S. Dorn, B. Geier, C. Greek, W. Jones, K. King, W. S. Lang, G. McColm, M. C. Nunes, S. Permuth, V. Pitts Bannister, P. Terry, R. Welker & S. Wohlmuth

Absent: R. Alander, N. Alcanter, I. Carrion, J. Epps, F. Fleschute, B. Jones, C. Joszi, K. Lersch, J. Liontas, M. Manzur-Leiva, F. Pyrtle, A. Ramirez & A. Shapiro

The Chair rules that the attendance is sufficient for a quorum.

Standing Committee Chairs. The following assignment was approved by acclamation.

  • Bob Welker nominated and confirmed as Bargaining Committee Chair and Chief Negotiator.
  • Sonia Wohlmuth and Cynthia Patterson nominated and confirmed as Grievance Committee co-chairs.
  • Gregory McColm nominated and confirmed as Communications Committee Chair.
  • Arthur Shapiro nominated and confirmed as Service [Membership] Committee Chair.
  • Ross Alander nominated and confirmed as Political & Governance Committee Chair.

The Council shall make every effort to meet again this summer.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on 5 May 2012.