Nominate Candidates 1. Your Details Your name Campus address Campus Phone Home address Home Phone Personal (non-USF) email address 2. Nominations for Officers: President: President is the chief operating officer of UFF-USF Chapter. The President also serves as a UFF Senator. Nomination (Self or Other) Vice-President: Vice-President shall assist the president, and lead the chapter in the president’s absence. Nomination (Self or Other) Secretary: Secretary shall maintain records for the chapter proceedings and perform other functions as specified by the Chapter Council. Nomination (Self or Other) Treasurer: Treasurer shall be the chief financial officer of the chapter. Nomination (Self or Other) 3. Nominations for Representatives: Senators: Senators shall represent the Chapter at the statewide UFF Senate meetings. Nominations (Self or Other, one per line) Florida Education Association (FEA) Delegates: Delegates shall represent the Chapter and the Local at statewide FEA Assemblies. Nominations (Self or Other, one per line) Optional Message Optional URL Optional Profile Picture (filetypes:jpg|jpeg|gif|png max 3.5mb)