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UFF Biweekly
United Faculty of Florida -- USF System Chapter
21 November 2019
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The USF Board of Trustees voted to ratify the UFF USF Collective Bargaining Agreement on October 28, so eligible employees should see an increase in their paychecks by January 3, but the paperwork may be done sooner.

Meanwhile, faculty at the branch campuses are raising the issue of pay equity - a longstanding issue at USF - so we glance at raises and retention at the different campuses. In this issue, we look at raises, and in the next issue - last issue of this semester - we look at retention.

  • Raises. How have the higher-level units fared as far as raises and retention goes? For details, see below or click here.
The UFF USF Biweekly continues to run short accounts by recipients of the travel scholarships.
  • The Future of Forensics. Jason Lewis of the Computer Science & Engineering Department facilitated a student academy at a forensics meeting. For more, see below or click here.
And last week, Steve Currall was inaugurated as President of the University of South Florida.
  • The Inauguration has been posted on You-Tube and the transcript of his speech has been posted online.
  • WUSF reported that Currall said that it was time for students, faculty, staff (and presumably administrators) to ask, "Who are we? What do we stand for?"
  • WFLA quoted Currall saying, "This event is less about me personally than it is about an opportunity for our community to pause and reflect how far we have come and remember the foundation on which we were built."
  • The Tampa Bay Times quoted Currall quoting the first USF president, John Allen: "We have an unparalleled opportunity to build on the best of the past to produce a new future characterized by excellence."
  • The Oracle announced that, "The Currall era commences."

Chapter Meeting Tomorrow on USF Sarasota / Manatee in A221

The USF Chapter of the United Faculty of Florida will meet tomorrow Friday at noon on USF Sarasota / Manatee campus in room A221. Lunch is on us. On the agenda: USF Sarasota / Manatee issues, including consolidation. Come and check us out.

If you can't come in person, we have remote access using Zoom for this meeting. On November 22 at noon, click here and enter Meeting ID: 149 499 376. The meeting is also available by phone. For one-tap mobile:

Dial by your location: Again, the meeting ID is 149 499 376

The last meeting of the semester will be on December 6 on USF Tampa in EDU 261. All meetings (and other events) are noted on the calendar on the UFF USF Website. Come and check us out.


The Annual Toy Drive conducted by the West Central Florida Federation of Labor will collect new, unwrapped toys for children ages 0 - 18. Toys can be brought to tomorrow's Chapter Meeting (see above), or to the Holiday Party (below), or to the USF Tampa Department of Mathematics & Statistics in CMC338 by December 2. The Children's Home Society of Florida has provided us with a list of gift ideas.

In addition, we are collecting food for the Metropolitan Ministries' Food Drive; they need non-perishables, especially canned meat, peanut butter, boxed cereal, rice / beans, canned vegetables, and cranberry sauce. These can be brought to the Nov. 22 chapter meeting, the Dec. 3 party (see below), or left with the Department of Mathematics & Statistics (see above) by Dec. 2.

In addition, all UFF members are invited to the West Central Florida Central Labor Council's Holiday Party, December 3, 6:30 pm, at the IBEW 824 Building, 6603 E. Chelsea Street, in Tampa.

$ 500 Travel Grants for UFF Members

The USF Chapter of the UFF will award six $ 500 Travel Scholarships for next spring and summer. This will be for travel for participation in a professional activity. All applications are due by December 4, and only UFF members are eligible. In addition, no recipient of the Fall or Spring cycles of travel grants is eligible to apply. The six recipients shall be selected by lot at the December 6 chapter meeting. For more information, see the Travel Scholarship Flyer.

This initiative is part of our membership campaign. If you would like to become active in the UFF USF Membership Drive, contact the Membership Chair, Debra Sinclair (click here).

Join UFF Today!

Download, fill in, and mail the membership form. Benefits of membership include the right to run and vote in UFF chapter and statewide elections; representation in grievances (UFF cannot represent a non-member in a grievance or litigation); special deals in insurance, travel, legal advice, and other packages provided by our affiliates; free insurance coverage for job-related liability; and the knowledge you are supporting education in Florida. Come and join the movement.


If you have been the victim of a violation of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, you have thirty days from the time you knew or should have known of the violation to file a grievance. If you are, and at the time of the violation were, a dues-paying member of the United Faculty of Florida, you have the right to union representation. To contact the UFF USF Grievance Committee, go to the online contact form. For more information, see our web-page on grievances.

We are on Social Media

Yes, we are on social media.

If you want to help with media matters, contact the Communications Committee chair.


In order to compare treatment of already hired employees, we compare changes in base salary over the period from 11 September 2015 to 6 September 2019. These changes are the result of regular raises, promotional raises, discretionary raises, or changes in position or assignment. We reduce statistical noise by ignoring all employees who were not full-time for both paychecks, or who changed college-level units, or who switched from 9-month to 12-month or vice versa.

We will look at average in salary change per year over those four years. Fellow wonks will recall that "average" can mean all kinds of things; the computation of "average" here is described at the end of this article. Let's start with the largest college-level unit, the USF Tampa College of Arts & Sciences. Among the employees we looked at, the median average pay raise was 2.3 % per year. We can break that down. 5 % of the employees had an average pay raise of less than 1 % (and some salaries went down); this is the dark blue slice labeled "0". 35 % had an average pay raise of at least 1 % but still less than 2 %; this is the red slice labeled "1". And so on up to the 7 % who received an average pay raise of at least 6 % but less than 7 % (the lavender slice labeled "6"), followed by the 8 % who received an average raise of at least 7 % (the pink slice labeled "over"):

We now turn to the next ten largest units.

The USF Tampa College of the Arts:

The USF Tampa College of Behavioral and Community Sciences:

The USF Tampa College of Business:

The USF Tampa College of Education:

The USF Tampa College of Engineering:

The USF Health Sciences Center (those departments that are within the UFF USF Bargaining Unit):

The USF Tampa Library:

The USF College of Marine Science:

The USF Saint Petersburg Campus:

The USF Sarasota / Manatee Campus:

About these "averages": The average raise is the raise which, if an employee had received that raise each year, the result would have been the same net increase in salary over those four years. For example, the contractually mandated merit raises over the last four years were, for 2015 - 16, 0 % (readers may recall that the Administration - which represents the Board - took a long time to bargain); for 2016 - 17, 3 %; for 2017 - 18, 2 %; and for 2018 - 19, 2 %. Increasing pay by these amounts would add up to an increase of 7.16 % (raises are compounded). A raise of 1.744 % each of the four years produces the same increase of 7.16 % over four years, so we call 1.744 % the average raise.

(For comparison, inflation went up 7.91 % over those same four years - for an average increase of 1.92 % per year.)

The Future of Forensics

Jason Lewis is an Instructor of Computer Science & Engineering. He received a $500 travel scholarship to attend and assist in the 2019 Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) Annual Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland in February, 2019. This is his account.

Thanks in part to a travel grant from the UFF USF Chapter, I was able to attend the 2019 Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, where I am a member of the Digital and Multimedia Forensic Sciences Section. At this meeting I was not only able to attend numerous presentations on results from recent research in my field, but I was also able to help facilitate a Student Academy. The student academy is an event where students are presented with case studies and have to apply skills from their discipline to find the "clues" (evidence) from the case. This academy is a great way to bring the "real world" to the students and let them experience recent cases while working with current forensic examiners/investigators.


Chapter Meeting tomorrow Friday, November 22, at noon, on USF Sarasota / Manatee campus, in A221.

We will have lunch at the meeting. All UFF members are invited to attend. Non-members are also invited to come and check us out. Come and join the movement.

Membership: Everyone in the UFF USF System Bargaining unit is eligible for UFF membership: to join, simply fill out and send in the membership form.

NOTE: The USF-UFF Chapter website is http://www.uff.ourusf.org, and our e-mail address is uff@ourusf.org.

About this broadcast: This Newsletter was broadcast from uff.ourusf.org, hosted at ICDsoft.com, and is intended for all members of the UFF USF Bargaining unit (USF faculty and professionals at most departments). A (usually identical) version will be broadcast to USF-News and USF-Talk from mccolm@usf.edu.

If you do not want to receive the UFF Biweekly, you can unsubscribe below or by e-mailing a message to gmccolm@tampabay.rr.com. If you do not receive the Biweekly, but want to, e-mail a message to gmccolm@tampabay.rr.com.