Chapter Minutes 5 August 2022

Time and place. This meeting was conducted at 12 noon on Zoom. Attendance. 14 members, one staff member, and one guest Minutes. Minutes for the July 8 meeting were approved. President's Report. Update on dealing with recent legislation. Several organizations have...

Getting Out the Vote

Turning to our calling as teachers, if we want to inspire our students to do their duty as citizens (that's the admittedly old-fashioned way of looking at it), one of the most effective ways to teach is by example. The Florida primary is on August 23 and the deadline...

Chapter Minutes 13 May 2022

Time and place. This joint meeting with the UFF USF Bargaining Team was conducted at 12 noon in EDU 161, although it was accessible through Zoom. Attendance. Twelve members, with five on Zoom and seven counting ballots Minutes. Minutes for the April 22 meeting were...

A Problematic Survey

Last year, the Legislature passed a bill on Postsecondary Education that, among other things, "requires State Board of Education to conduct annual assessment on intellectual freedom & viewpoint diversity." The United Florida of Florida was concerned about this...

Minutes 25 March 2022

Time and place. This meeting was conducted at 11:30 noon in CGS 136, although it was accessible through Zoom. Attendance. Fifteen members, including ten members of the Council, and two guests. Minutes. Minutes for the March 11 meeting were approved. President's Report...

USF UFF Elections

USF Chapter of the United Faculty of Florida is conducting its annual election, and the Chapter has issued a Call for Nominations. UFF members - and only UFF members - may run in this election. The Chapter will be electing the president, vice president, secretary,...
