USF UFF Chapter Meeting Friday, July 28 at noon on Zoom and in EDU 161 on the Tampa campus
There will be a USF UFF Chapter meetng Friday at noon on Zoom and in EDU 161 on the Tampa Campus. Any employee in the bargaining unit may attend, but to attend on Zoom you need an invitation. contact the Chapter Secretary to get one. Meetings and events are posted on...
Chapter Meeting Friday, July 14th at noon on USF Tampa in EDU 161 and on Zoom
The USF Chapter of the United Faculty of Florida will meet Friday at 12 pm on USF Tampa in EDU 161 - and on Zoom. On the agenda: eDues and the membership campaign. Any employee in the Bargaining Unit may attend, but to Zoom in you must have an invitation: contact the...
Chapter Minutes 30 June 2023
Time and place. The meeting was conducted at 12 noon on USF Tampa in the EDU 161 and on Zoom. Attendance. Thirteen UFF members and one staff. Minutes. June 16 minutes approved. President's Report. Litigation. The FEA will be in litigation for the foreseeable future,...
Chapter Meeting Friday, June 16 at noon on the Tampa campus and on Zoom
The USF Chapter of the United Faculty of Florida will meet on Friday, June 16 at 12 pm on USF Tampa in EDU 161 - and on Zoom.Any employee in the Bargaining Unit may attend, but to Zoom in you must have an invitation: contact the Chapter Secretary to get one. Lunch and...
Chapter Minutes 19 May 2023
Time and place. The meeting was conducted at 12 noon on USF Tampa in the EDU 415 and on Zoom. Attendance. Seventeen UFF members. Minutes. Approved. President's Report. EDues. We will have a social for members who sign up for eDues. Lawsuits. A lawsuit was filed on...
USF UFF Chapter Meeting on Friday, June 2nd at noon on the Tampa Campus and on Zoom
The next USF UFF chapter meeting will be Friday, June 2, at 12 noon on USF Tampa campus in EDU 161 and on Zoom; for the Zoom link, contact the Chapter Secretary. All UFF USF employees are welcome.
USF UFF Chapter Meeting Friday, May 19 at 12 noon on the USF Tampa Campus in EDU 161 and on Zoom
The USF Chapter of the United Faculty of Florida will meet Friday at 12 noon on USF Tampa in EDU 161- and on Zoom. On the agenda: helping members convert from payroll deductions to e-Dues as well as what UFF positions are with the most recent legislation (SB266) that...
Chapter Minutes 5 May 2023
Time and place. The meeting was conducted at 12 noon on USF Tampa in the USC EDU 415 and on Zoom. Attendance. Nineteen UFF members and one guest. Minutes. Minutes of the 7 April and 21 April meetings approved President's Report. EDues. The Senate approved...
Florida Education Association Press Conference about SB 256
SB 256 was signed into law. It is a direct attack on United Faculty of Florida and our rights and freedoms. For details see: The Florida Education Association has filed a federal...
USF UFF Chapter Meeting on Friday, May 5th Earlier at 11:30 AM
The USF Chapter of the United Faculty of Florida will meet Friday at 11:30 AM on USF Tampa in EDU415 - and on Zoom. On the agenda: what we are going to do this summer. And here are the minutes for the previous meeting. Any employee in the Bargaining Unit may attend,...
The Time to Join UFF is NOW
Your UFF team knows you all are following the Florida legislative session closely, and yesterday the Florida Senate also passed Senate Bill 256 on the Senate floor, bringing the full passage of the bill into law much closer to completion. UFF expects this bill to be...
USF UFF Chapter Meeting this Friday, March 24th
There will be a USF UFF Chapter Meeting Friday at 12 noon on Zoom and on the USF Tampa Campus in EDU 415. And here are the minutes for the previous meeting. Any employee in the Bargaining Unit may attend, but to Zoom in you must have an invitation: contact the Chapter...
Chapter Minutes 10 March 2023
Time and place. The meeting was conducted at 12 noon on USF Tampa in EDU415 and on Zoom. Attendance. Seventeen UFF members, and one staff member Minutes. Minutes of the 24 February 2023 meeting approved. President's Report. Woke. Florida higher education is getting a...
USF UFF Chapter Meeting Friday, March 10th at 12 Noon
Chapter Meeting Friday, March 10th at 12 Noon at USF Tampa in EDU415 and on Zoom. The USF Chapter of the United Faculty of Florida will meet Friday at 12 pm at USF Tampa in EDU415 and on Zoom. And here are the minutes for the previous meeting. Any employee in the...
Chapter Minutes 24 February 2023
Time and place. The meeting was conducted at 12 noon on USF Sarasota / Manatee in B229 and on Zoom. Attendance. Twenty UFF members, four guests, and one staff member Minutes. Minutes of the 10 February 2023 meeting approved. President's Report. Stormy weather. There...
Chapter Meeting on Friday, February 24 on Zoom and in Sarasota
The next USF UFF chapter meeting will be on Friday, February 24, at 12 pm on USF Sarasotoa / Manatee campus in B229 and on Zoom; for the Zoom link, contact the Chapter Secretary. All UFF USF employees are welcome. Click here for the agenda. Click here for the minutes...
USF UFF Chapter Meeting Friday, January 27th on Zoom and in 415 EDU on the Tampa Campus
The USF Chapter of the United Faculty of Florida will meet this Friday at 12 pm at USF Tampa in on Zoom. On the agenda are discussions about the spring elections and updates about the latest material from the Governor's office, committee reports and more. And here are...
Chapter Minutes 13 January 2023
Time and place. The meeting was conducted at 12 noon on Zoom. Attendance. Seventeen UFF members and one staff member Minutes. Minutes of the 2 December 2022 and 6 January 2023 meetings approved. President's Report. Meeting with the Vice Provost. We anticipate getting...