Competing with Viagra
There is an old practice on assembly lines called
"speed-up", in which the products are moved down the
line faster in the hope of producing more goods in
the same amount of time (and thus with the same
labor costs). It does not work out that way:
quality control deteriorates, labor problems grow,
equipment malfunctions, and the firm's reputation
Yet the temptation remains, and it applies to
education as well. If a masters program required
36 hours of study, then a graduate student taking
three courses a semester could get through in four
semesters. Why couldn't that same student take four
courses a semester and get through in three
semesters? In fact, if the student took five
courses a semester ...
On June 30, the Graduate School announced a
proposal that to be eligible for a Graduate
Assistantship, graduate students must enroll in 12
hours of courses each semester (as opposed to the
current 9-hour requirement). The rationale was
that "it is the University's expectation that
students will be able to graduate sooner and gain an
extra edge in the workforce." This was a
requirement for all USF-Tampa graduate students
except for doctoral candidates and students at the
Health Science Center (HSC). (There were a few
other technical exceptions.)
The exception for doctoral candidates suggests
a reality check. Doctoral candidates are typically
spending so much time in research that imposing such
a requirement on them would probably divert time and
energy away from that research.
Another reality check comes from the fact that
the Graduate School offered some lite-looking
courses for graduate students needing them, and
offered to come up with tuition for most students.
It was not at all clear what pedagogical purpose
this innovation was intended to accomplish --
assuming that the intended purpose was pedagogical.
(Digression: the exception for regional
campuses and HSC was worded interestingly: USF
Tampa was described as "the USF Research campus,"
and HSC was described as a regional campus.)
Like many dubious innovations, this one popped
up in midsummer, when people were out of town. And
the innovation was slipped in without the sort of
vetting process a major innovation should face:
- New eligibility requirements -- especially new
requirements imposing additional burdens on
students' time -- clearly affect the terms and
conditions of employment and thus, under law,
the proposal should have been bargained with
the graduate assistant's union, the Graduate
Assistants United (GAU), a chapter of the UFF.
- The principles of shared faculty governance
hold that a major change in academic policy,
such as this one, should be vetted by the
faculty representatives. It is not clear how
much of this took place, but the surprise in
almost all quarters suggest that few
representatives were informed, much less
consulted, about the innovation.
- And presumably, the Graduate School would take
the elementary precaution of asking the
colleges whether they thought this was a good
idea. Again, it is not clear to what extent
the colleges were asked, but the colleges'
subsequent unhappiness suggests that there
was little asking.
On July 17, the Oracle reported that the "New
Policy Irks Grad Students," and quoted GAU
Organizing Chair Sarah Dykins Callahan saying, "This
is going to be a serious blow to graduate student
quality of life on campus," while Associate Provost
and Dean of the Graduate School Delcie Durham said
that, "Twelve hours is becoming the national norm
and we really want our students to be up there with
the best in terms of being prepared and having
(Editorial comment: the gentle webmaster was
moved by the Dean's remark to check his own alma
mater, and after a long look at the policies of
that august institution, the webmaster sees changes
in how load is computed -- and little change in the
actual work load. The webmaster has no idea if
this sort of thing is part of a national trend...)
On July 19, the GAU sent a message to
graduate students stating that the GAU and the UFF
had not even been consulted, and noting that the
contract requires more than mere consultation:
"Materially changing the conditions of graduate
student employment without consultation and
negotiation with the GAU (the recognized voice of
the GA bargaining unit) is a breach of the
2004-2007 University of South Florida & United
Faculty of Florida/ Graduate Assistant United
Collective Bargaining Agreement. The GAU is
currently discussing legal options regarding this
infringement." The GAU also recommended not
signing contracts requiring 12 hours enrollment,
nor enrolling for 12 hours.
Perhaps the most revealing part of the GAU's
letter was the remark that Graduate Dean Delcie
Durham said that the Graduate School had imposed
this policy without discussing it with the Board
of Trustees, and thus that it was not actually a
"policy." It is not clear why the Graduate School
would announce rules and regulations that are not,
by its own understanding, rules and regulations.
Problems arise from official announcements that
are not actually official, not the least having
subsequent announcements simply ignored.
As graduate students complained and faculty
groused, various wires got pulled, and before
long there appeared a
Frequently Asked Question page on the proposal.
Now the Graduate School was requesting that
colleges and programs adopt the rule. The
acceleration of academic progress was still the
primary rationale given, although the last
paragraph did say, somewhat mysteriously, that
"There are certain requisite responsibilities that
come with being a Carnegie Research 1 University,
and it would be detrimental to our students and
our academic endeavors if we did not accomodate
these." The FAQ also promised that "The Graduate
School will continue to seek the advice of the
Graduate Council and the Graduate Assistant Union
as we move towards implementing ..." Evidently,
the Graduate School still did not acknowledge the
administration's legal obligation to actually
bargain terms and conditions of employment with
the GAU. And evidently, the Faculty Senate was
still chopped liver.
Then a memo was circulated this week (but
apparently not posted) saying that the 12-hour
rule would not be implemented now or "for the
immediate future." It is not clear what the
status of the proposal is right now.
During all this time, the GAU was -- and is
-- working on getting the rule withdrawn, or at
least forcing the Administration to put it on the
bargaining table. Unions strongly dislike
speed-ups, for they are often used (at least in
the short term) to squeeze employees, and they
often wind up with abuses, if not litigation.
The USF (Faculty & University Professionals)
chapter supported our fellow UFF chapter: as Ben
Franklin once noted, either we hang together or we
hang separately. We regard the unlawful
promulgation of a rule affecting the terms and
conditions of employment as a dangerous precedent.
The chapter voted to publish a letter (now under
construction) expressing our support for the GAU
in this matter.
What the other stakeholders will do is
unclear, especially since the rule seems to be
morphing or disappearing. Presumably, since the
rule does not apply to doctoral candidates, it will
interfere only with faculty research that relies on
students in masters programs. In fact, the
confusion and uncertainty about what (if anything)
this rule does is in itself a powerful argument for
why such rules should be debated in public, using
the shared governance system -- and collective
bargaining, when it affects terms and conditions of
employment -- during a period of time when faculty
are in town. As the Graduate School FAQ itself
says, we are a Carnegie I institution. We should
act like one.
Academic Freedom
The Academic Bill of Rights is a carnival, with
hawkers announcing its arrival into town in advance
as sympathetic legislators raise the big tents and
break out the greasepaint. That was helpful, as we
saw it coming. Representative David Rivera's bill
concerning "Travel to Terrorist States" was another
matter, for it was slipped into Florida's
legislative stream a day's notice and approved by
the committee in three days with no input from
As mentioned in the
July 13 Biweekly,
we were suddenly faced with a bill that passed and
a governor who was clearly going to sign it. The
legal effect was clear, even if Rivera himself was
less than coherent on the point: faculty may not
use funds processed by state agencies -- such as
public universities -- to visit officially
designated "terrorist states." The point of the
bill was that Cuba is an officially designated
terrorist state.
So the question was what to do about a law
passed and signed? While the American Civil
Liberties Union acted at once (see their
press release,
unions are deliberative organizations and we
began with appeals for information for our
national affiliates.
As UFF President Tom Auxter reported in the
latest UFF Update,
the union found evidence of a great deal of
disruption. For example:
- The law shuts down much work on the coral
reefs, even though their current decline
poses a serious threat to the Gulf's
ecosystems and economy.
- On June 6, Science magazine reported that
similar work on climate change, oil spills,
and agricultural productivity had to be
shut down.
- Longstanding longitudinal studies of Cuban
migrations, conducted by Floridian research
centers, were abruptly shut down. Faculty
at such centers no longer have access to
the source of the migrations.
- There are several "terrorist states," with
valuable archeological sites which are now
being abandoned. The abrupt departure
leaves some of them more vulnerable to
These were among the many effects of this law. As
Auxter noted, one result of denying educators and
researchers access to "terrorist states" is that
the American public is denied a major source of
information about such nations, leaving the
government with a tighter grip on what we know
about them.
The travel ban was a major topic at the
UFF Senate meeting last weekend, where Auxter
announced that UFF had distilled the results of
its information-gathering into a resolution,
which was presented at the annual convention of
the National Education Association. The
convention overwhelmingly approved our resolution
against the travel ban, and with that mandate, we
are now exploring legal and political options.
Meanwhile, the UFF Senate unanimously passed a
similar resolution which will be forwarded to our
other national affiliate, the American Federation
of Teachers (AFT).
Of course, such resolutions are but mandates
for action, and now comes the harder parts. Going
through the courts could take years, especially in
the current legal climate. The political process
might be faster: it would involve persuading the
Legislature to revisit the issue, possibly on the
grounds that passing legislation that hasn't been
properly vetted is an invitation to unintended
consequences. Quite possibly we will be proceeding
on both fronts in parallel.
So we are back to collecting information: if
you know of any consequences of this legislation,
please let us know: send details to
Meanwhile, last week, the UFF Senate had a
visitor who reminded us that a quite different
battle is being waged outside of Florida. Larry
Gold, Director of Higher Education for the American
Federation of Teachers, was one of UFF's strongest
supporters during our struggle for survival. He
visited this Senate meeting, where he told us that
David Horowitz's well-funded campaign inspired twenty
bills in twenty states, including (as readers will
remember) our own Dennis Baxley's bill for Florida,
and the more spectacular traveling show in
Pennsylvania. The AFT met money with shoe leather,
building alliances and making its first use of the
blogosphere (see their page on
academic freedom.
But Horowitz's campaign is likely to continue as
long as the cash and media coverage continues;
indeed, Larry Gold told us that Horowitz is talking
about going after the K-12 teachers next.
The point that Gold was in Orlando to make was
one we've heard before: we need to deal more with
the Legislature.
Thinking About the Legislature
At the UFF Senate meeting last weekend, we had a
reception for two UFF members who are running for
State Representative seats.
Bill Heller is a Professor at USF-St. Petersburg,
working in special education. He is running for
District # 52, and on his
Betty Castor is quoted
saying, "There is no one who will serve you better in
Tallahassee than Bill Heller."
Keith Fitzgerald is an Associate Professor of
political science at New College. He is running for
District # 69, and on his
web-page, he
says of the current
statehouse that "after eight years of focus on
education, we are worse off than we were before."
This reception was only one way in which the
UFF is focusing more on the legislature. For example
-- as Auxter reminded us -- the state had been
appropriating us the same raises that state employees
get, but as a transitional measure. The governor and
the legislature had planned to cut us off this year,
but after an intense campaign by UFF, the legislature
changed its mind. Part of the mind change was a
result of argument (Florida universities have a high
turnover), but part of it was sheer decibel level: as
Aesop observed, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
But we have a ways to go. Auxter said that
during the past twenty years, education's share of the
state budget has declined, and higher education's
share of the education budget has declined. Here is
an area where UFF and the university administrations
can help each other. Indeed, Auxter said that the
university presidents had wanted the base raise for
faculty (the university presidents don't like high
turnover, either), but that the union was in a better
position to go from door to door in Tallahassee. The
salary campaign this year is a sign that we can be
successful going directly to the statehouse.
As AFT's Director of Higher Education, Larry Gold
has a wider perspective, and he proposed a program of
model legislation to package for statehouses across
the country. There is, he told us, a national crisis
in academic staffing. Fully 70 % of all higher
education faculty are "contingent" (non-tenure-track)
faculty. While some tenured faculty may not see this
as a problem (as long as the best and the brightest
get tenure), the political reality is that this will
reduce tenured faculty to a politically marginal
Editorial comment: tenure in the United States
was popularized during the 1920s and 1930s as a
mechanism for protecting teachers who spoke
indiscretely about economic distribution and
biological evolution. As such, it applied to a large
population which, organized, wielded considerable
clout. If tenure whithers into a perk for star
researchers, then the clout of the tenured faculty
will whither, too.
Returning to Larry Gold's remarks, he said that
the AFT is proceeding on the traditional front of
organizing contingent faculty. But the problem
appears to be amenable to a legislative solution at
the state level. So the AFT is developing a model
law, a Faculty & College Excellence Act, which will
limit the use of contingent faculty and provide pay
and benefits for contingent faculty.
In general, the union is planning to be more
visible in the future, including this fall: the
Florida Education Association (FEA) -- our statewide
affiliate -- has endorsed Jim Davis for governor (FEA
President Andy Ford said that Jim Davis has a "common
sense approach to public education [that] would be a
breath of fresh air"), as well as several candidates
for the legislature ... including our two colleagues,
Bill Heller of St. Petersburg and Keith Fitzgerald of
The Collective Bargaining Agreement (the contract)
guarantees UFF two formal consultations with the USF
President or her designees each semester to discuss
matters of interest and concern to the faculty and
professional employees at USF. The first such
consultation of the academic year took place
Wednesday, October 4. It was generally a calm and
focused discussion, with only occasional outbursts of
passion. The following items were discussed:
1. UFF spot on the BOT agenda
The contract also guarantees UFF a spot on the agenda
of each Board of Trustees meeting that involves
matters relating to the terms and conditions of
employment for faculty and professional employees
at USF (a right that most of our sister chapters at
other universities did not get in their contracts).
But at the first BOT meeting of the new year, UFF was
left off the agenda for the first time since the
reorganization of the university system. Chairman
Rhea Law said both before and during the meeting that
the agenda change was not intended to be directed at
the faculty, but was in order to eliminate most
reports (such as those from the various campuses,
e.g.) in order to have more time for discussion of
the issues. At the BOT meeting, she did invite the
union to speak, and UFF President Roy Weatherford
indicated how strongly the union feels about any
attempt to restrict or eliminate the right of faculty
representatives to speak on behalf of the faculty.
Ms. Law responded by assuring the union that no such
attempt was taking place and that the Board would be
glad to meet with the union to try to resolve the
Ms. Law has in fact followed through on her
promise and such a meeting is scheduled for week
after next. Nevertheless, the union explained at the
consultation, the issue is so serious that it is
filing a grievance to make sure that all the
timelines are met and the paperwork is in order in
case a peaceful resolution is not possible and the
matter has to go to binding arbitration. But
Weatherford pointed out that the issue is not merely
one of contractual obligation. During the unhappy
period when the BOT tried to break the union and
unilaterally declared that the union had lost its
bargaining rights and faculty had lost all
contractual protections, UFF nevertheless continued
to have a place on the agenda for unrestricted
discussion of faculty concerns. Any attempt now to
eliminate or restrict the presentation by the
elected representative of the faculty must be taken
as a serious attack on shared governance. Both
sides agreed to take no further action on the
grievance while waiting for the meeting or meetings
to take place.
2. Professional Development leaves
UFF has negotiated a contract that not only
guarantees sabbaticals for tenure track faculty (a
perquisite that did not exist before collective
bargaining and is still only guaranteed by the
contract), it also guarantees a parallel type of
Professional Development Leaves for non-tenure
track faculty and other professional employees in
the bargaining unit, whose continued employment is
not guaranteed by the tenure system.
At the consultation UFF reported that it has
some anecdotal evidence that the professional
leaves are not generally being used nearly as much
as the sabbaticals. Some evidence suggests that
eligible employees are not well-informed about the
program, that administrators are reluctant to grant
such leaves, that some eligible employees are
afraid to apply, and even that in one case it
appears that a union activist who applied for and
was awarded such a leave then did not have her
contract renewed (despite a merit pay raise last
year) and will therefore not be granted the leave.
The administration responded that it had
taken steps to inform departmental chairs and unit
administrators and would do so again; that it knew
of no cases where leaves were inappropriately
denied; that intimidation does not exist at USF;
and that it has never heard of anyone losing their
job because of applying for a leave. The union
requested statistics on (a) the number of leaves
applied for, (b) the number granted, (c) the
number actually taken, and (d) the number of
applicants who were subsequently non-renewed.
The university replied that we could have the data
on (a), (b), and (c), but that it would not
respond to (d) because it keeps no such data and
does not intend to become the research arm of UFF.
The union responded that if the administration
would provide the individual reports, the union
would do the correlations itself.
3. Fingerprinting of employees.
This item had been brought by the union to the
previous consultation. The union complained that
faculty in the College of Nursing were being
required to pay for the fingerprinting that was
legally mandated for those who enter the public
schools, even though they were required by their
jobs to do so.
The administration took the issue on
advisement and returned with a report this week.
The report said that it was the position of the
College of Nursing that no faculty are required
to go into public schools as part of their
assigned duties, and if they chose to do so it
was their responsibility to pay the fees.
The union replied that supervising our own
students as they interact with others is part of
our job description, and the public schools are,
in our professional judgment, an essential locus
for some of our community engagement and public
health programs. The administration responded
that the faculty are nevertheless not
specifically ordered to go into the public
schools and therefore it is not part of their
assigned duties to do so.
There ensued a general and unsatisfying
discussion of how specific individual activities
become part of one’s job assignment. The union
pointed out that anything on which we are
evaluated must, according to the contract, be
part of our assigned duties because we cannot be
held responsible for doing unassigned work.
The administration said that didn’t mean
that we could make something become part of our
assigned duties by listing it in our vitae, for
The union said that even if the university
could sustain its position that it did not have
to pay the fees, it is still not good for
faculty morale to treat us this way. As in the
case of parking fees, the administration seems
headed towards the Florida Legislature’s
strategy of giving us a raise (or a tax cut)
with one hand, then taking it back with fees
by the other hand, and having us pay income tax
as it passes through our lives from one
administrative hand to the other.
Finally, the union pointed out that, as
discussed during the Faculty Senate meeting
last month, there appears to be some
possibility that fingerprinting might become a
part of a required background check for any
employment at USF. In that case, it will
clearly be a term or condition of employment
and therefore subject to collective bargaining.
The issue was left unresolved from the
union perspective, closed from the
administration’s perspective.
4. Information on Classification from HR.
This report was on technical details in the
personnel system.
Also, the Health Science Center’s
representative reported on an issue raised by
the union at the previous consultation. A
faculty member had discovered and reported to
the union a lack of security in the procedure
for online student evaluations in the College
of Nursing. After the union presented the
issue at a consultation, the administration
looked into the matter. They subsequently
agreed that the problem is real, and are taking
steps to correct it. UFF President Roy
Weatherford pointed out that this item
exemplifies the value of genuine consultation
and shared governance, because we had
identified and fixed the problem before it
caused any serious damage to anyone’s
professional life. As with peacefully resolved
grievances, successes like this don’t get
noticed by the media or even by other employees
who are not involved, but they significantly
improve our collective work environment.
5. Progress Report on Instructor Career Tracks.
The administration presented a draft of the
guidelines for the new Career Track for
Instructors that was agreed to during the last
round of bargaining. The union identified a
passage that seemed to disadvantage a
significant minority of Instructors and
explained its concerns. The administration
agreed to take the document back and see if it
could rework that part. Otherwise, the draft
guidelines seemed to be a reasonable starting
point, and both sides remain committed to the
general idea.
The meeting adjourned collegially.
The Spellings Report
On Tuesday, September 26, the Department of
Education released a report, A Test of Leadership:
Charting the Future of U.S. Higher Education. In
prepared remarks,
U. S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings
said of higher education in America, "a lot of
people will tell you things are going just fine,"
but continued, "Is it 'fine' that college tuition
has outpaced inflation, family income, even
doubling the cost of health care? Is it 'fine'
that only half of our students graduate on-time?
Is it 'fine' that students often graduate so
saddled with debt they can't buy a home or start
a family? None of this seems 'fine' to me."
So last fall, she launched a commission
consisting of four business executives (three in
high-technology firms and one in for-profit
education), five academic administrators, six
education activists (some from Non-Government
Organizations), and two faculty members. There
were also ten ex officio members, including four
cabinet officers (including a "designee" for
U. S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfield). It
would be fair to say that the committee consisted
more of stakeholders and players than of experts,
scholars, and teachers. And the Chronicle of
Higher Education reported there were problems
in composing the report, the two biggest squabbles
- The sequence of preliminary "Commission
Reports" composed by the commission chair,
Charles Miller, former chairman of the
University of Texas Board of Regents and now
a "private investor" (often in for-profit
education) (see the
April 20 Biweekly article,
- Complaints that the staff was usurping the role
of the commission and composing the report.
(It should be noted that said staff were
employees of the U.S. Department of Education
and thus ultimately answerable to Spellings.)
In the end, all but one of the members signed the
report (big PDF document),
has two major groups of findings and recommendations,
one having to do with pedagogy, and one with access
and finances. The preamble hints at the direction
the report will go, with its blithe presumption that
students can be treated as consumers while
concentrating on the need for greater
Lets look at the pedagogy first. The report
begins its findings section with a conclusion of the
National Assessment of Educational Progress that
only 17 % of high school seniors are "proficient" in
mathematics, while 36 % are "proficient" in reading.
According to the report, the problem is a
disarticulation between high school graduation
requirements and college expectations. The result is
that 40 % of college students take remedial courses,
at a cost of a billion dollars a year, and only 66 %
of all students graduate within six years. (And
incidentally, the report says employers are
complaining about how ill-prepared their new
employees are.) In addition, there are too few
students going into STEM (Science, Technology,
Engineering, Mathematics) subjects, and that America
is falling behind other nations.
The difficulty, suggests the report, is that
higher education is too conservative, too unwilling
to employ the latest technology, much less new
teaching techniques derived from recent discoveries
in cognitive science. In addition, colleges are not
held accountable for their performance. New
teaching techniques are mentioned in a perfunctory
fashion, but the report goes into accountability
with enthusiasm. It is proposed that a database or
some databases containing academic information about
all individual students be constructed and used for
evaluating performance of academic institutions.
To persuade states to have their universities
institute such systems (and to similarly persuade
private institutions to participate), government
funding will be made at least partially contingent
on participation.
As with other information-collection schemes
being proposed by the current Washington
administration, there will be suitable privacy
protections for the students whose information is
gathered and maintained. (It is not clear who will
have full access to this information.) At any rate,
the public will be able to access processed data to
get assessments of institutions, particularly of
"value-added" performance measures (how does student
performance improve at different institutions over
time?), and thus be able to make consumer decisions
based on institutional performance. The report
implies that colleges and universities should and
will respond in entrepreneurial fashion, competing
to develop pedagogical techniques that maximize
their performance measures. Apparently, new
pedagogical techniques grow on trees, and all
academia has to do is pick them.
Having solved all the pedagogical problems, the
report then proceeds to solve access and financial
problems. The report identifies access problems --
lack of preparation, lack of information about
college requirements and opportunities, and lack of
financial aid (or disorganization of financial aid).
There are also many complaints about obstacles faced
by transfer students. The report recommends fixing
high schools (to deal with the lack of preparation),
consolidating the current panoply of financial aid
programs (which the report says contribute to the
confusion) while increasing the amount of need-based
aid. It is not clear how the authors of the report
would deal with the lack of information about
college requirements and opportunities (there is no
mention of high school counselors): perhaps
students could visit the proposed database to track
institutional performance.
Money is a major issue in the report. States
are reducing their support to the universities, and
according to the report, will probably continue to
do so. (There is little mention of how the federal
government supports universities, directly or
indirectly.) So universities will have to more
rigorously control costs. Indeed, there is much
discussion of profligant spending, especially in
student services and administration ... and salaries.
Institutions can also save money with new technology.
There are several complaints about opaque,
incoherent, or irrational accounting practices, and
comments that colleges and universities are
(inappropriately?) insulated from the effects of
their excessive spending.
In accepting the report on Sept. 26, after
enumerating the problems that are not "fine" with
her, Spellings announced her "immediate plans to
address the issues of: accessibility, affordability
and accountability raised by the Commission,"
relying on the principles of the No Child Left
Behind legislation, "And let me assure you—-NCLB is
going strong." She listed four "action" steps:
- "ACTION ONE under my plan is to build on this
by expanding the effective principles of No
Child Left Behind and holding high schools
accountable for results."
- "ACTION TWO under my plan is for my Department
to streamline the process, cut the application
time in half, and notify students of their aid
eligibility earlier than Spring of their senior
year to help families plan."
- "ACTION THREE under my plan will work to pull
together the same kind of privacy-protected
student-level data we already have for K
through 12 students. And use that data to
create a higher education information system."
- "ACTION FOUR under my plan will provide matching
funds to colleges, universities, and states that
collect and publicly report student learning
Readers may observe that Spellings' action items more
directly deal with her concerns about accountability
and assessment, and do not directly address the
financial burdens on students and parents, i.e., two
of the three cost problems that she was not "fine"
about. Oh well. And critics were a bit concerned
about this "higher education information system"
(David L. Warren of the National Association of
Independent Colleges and Universities called the
proposal "Orwellian"), to which Spellings responded
in an interview with the Chronicle: "Why are people
opposed to that? Why aren't we for this kind of
empowerment and information?"
The Chronicle of Higher Education said,
"Secretary of Education Will Propose More U.S. Aid
for Students and a Database to Track Their Progress
in College," while James B. Hunt, former governor
of North Carolina and a member of the commission,
said the report was "one of the most important
reports in the educational and economic history of
our country, if we act on it." Not all members of
the commission were as enthusiastic. Robert M.
Zemsky, another education activist, said, "There
are a lot of people out there who no longer believe
in us," and David Ward used his office as president
of the American Council of Education as an excuse
not to sign, and complained, among other things,
about the "false sense of crisis" in the report,
along with the report's tendency to blame academia
for problems extending beyond academia, as well as
the report's fondness for simple and Procrustean
Many people -- including us (see the
July 13 Biweekly article)
had been watching the situation very carefully,
and now that the final report is out, there is
some sound and fury from the various parties in
the ongoing controversy over higher education in
America. And what might that signify?
The most striking thing about the document
is that its content could have been predicted --
and indeed, was predicted -- practically upon the
appointment of the commission. All the relief
expressed was about the "tone" (earlier drafts
were somewhat sharper); this draft said roughly
what people expected it to say. And it said
nothing new, or surprising. It did say some
silly things, like this gem from the summary:
"Higher education institutions should improve
institutional cost management through the
development of new performance benchmarks, while
also lowering per-student educational costs by
reducing barriers for transfer students." (These
are the two most significant steps institutions
can take in cost management?) But this is merely
symptomatic of the real difficulty suggested by
David Ward: the commission's unwillingness to
come to grips with the really deep problems.
Let's look at two examples.
First, the report blithely enumerates the
desiderata of students, employers (and presumably
they also thought about parents, the government,
and the community at large) without noting that
all these groups are pulling academia ... in
different directions. For example, employers
want students with the ability to concentrate
on a task, which is an important study skill.
Many students (and most producers of standardized
exams) want students to be taught how to plug
correct answers into little questions, a quite
different skill of little interest to high-tech
employers. Meanwhile, parents would like their
children to get individual attention, while
governments would like to save money by having
huge classes. The failure to recognize that
different stakeholders have different desires
is a major deficiency of the report. This
omission is especially serious when treating
students as consumers, for in many cases,
student needs and student desires are very
different things. This is a situation that
higher education has to navigate, and is part of
the problem (e.g., the report complains about
fancy new student centers universities build,
without noting that the universities are not
building these centers out of sheer stupidity,
but to market themselves to consumer-students --
and thus the report glides past the awkward
question of what the success of such marketing
schemes says about the student-as-consumer
model). All academia hears from the Spellings
report is ... the demands of yet another interest
For the other example, let's begin with the
statement that it is highly unlikely that this
report will have as great an impact on the skills
of American students as J. K. Rowling has had.
Suppose that it is "true" that 36 % of high
school graduates are "proficient" in reading.
Surveys show that most Americans are willing to
tell complete strangers that (a) they haven't
read a book in over a year and (b) they don't
read newspapers. Learning, in the view of most
students, is something one does in school. So
the high school students don't read much, they
come to college, and professors complain that the
students don't read the texts. But some faculty
observe that the literacy skills of many students
are not up to the textbooks we've assigned. How
are high schools supposed to fix this if students
will not read on their own? Only, it seems, with
the help of books that students WANT to read.
And yet, on this point -- what happens OUTSIDE of
the classroom -- the report is deafeningly,
negligently, and suspiciously silent.
So if the content of this report was largely
predictable, and if it avoided the big problems
while swatting at those gnats that were high on
certain political agendas, what is this report
other than a move in a political game of chess?
Perhaps not much, but the stakes in this
particular chess game are high. First of all,
this report really does represent a serious move
to force colleges and universities to supply vast
amounts of confidential information to government
agencies. Since much information extracted will
be used for marketing and appropriation purposes,
it will turn out that in higher education, what is
examined will be what is rewarded; and the
choices about what to examine will not be made in
academia. Inevitably, despite the report's
complaints about micromanagement of academia, the
result of implementing its recommendations would
be the decline the independence of higher
education in America.
FEA Delegate Assembly, Part I
The United Faculty of Florida is a "local"
affiliated with the Florida Education Association
(FEA), which represents educators and support
personnel throughout Florida. With about 130,000
members, it is the largest union in the state. It
is jointly affiliated with both the National
Education Association (NEA) and the American
Federation of Teachers (AFT, which in turn is
affiliated with the AFL-CIO). These are the
organizations that provided the resources UFF
needed to survive Jeb Bush's attempt to eliminate
the UFF.
The FEA's legislative body is the Delegate
Assembly, which meets once a year to set policy and
deal with current events. Each union local is
represented by a number of delegates (how many
depends on how many members that local has);
typically, just under a thousand delegates (and
up to two hundred guests) meet in a ballroom for a
day and a half (all day Friday, October 27, and the
morning of Saturday, October 28). This time, we
had many political guests, for the primary topic
was November 7.
Union Views
Friday morning, three guests from FEA's affiliates
spoke about the election and about the No Child
Left Behind Act -- which is due for revision next
year, by whatever Congress is elected next week.
American Federation of Teachers Executive Vice
President Toni Cortese described the NCLB program
as essentially punitive, and noting that only 70 %
of all schools had made "Adequate Yearly Progress"
under the act, said that public schools were being
undermined by the new policy. The Act is due for
revision next year, and thus, she said, the
upcoming election offers an opportunity to make a
difference in happens in that revision.
NEA Executive Committee Member Rebecca (Becky)
Pringle noted that the NCLB Act had authorized
additional spending for implementing the Act and
for additional support for education, but that the
promised funds were not being appropriated: in
Florida alone, the deficit was $ 674 million. The
NEA is lobbying Congress and has filed a lawsuit,
but Pringle, also stressed the election:
paraphrasing Plato, she said, "Anyone who thinks
that they are too good or too smart for politics
will be ruled by those who are not good and not
Florida AFL-CIO President Cindy Hall said that
while the unions do not have big warchests, we do
have manpower. She said that the unions cannot
effect much change without changing state
governments and Congress -- and that this was our
opportunity. She added that protecting the
integrity of the vote (ahem!) depended on vigilance
and turnout.
(More on the NCLB in a later issue of the UFF
Biweekly. In the meantime, see the
NEA site, and the
Biweekly's prior article on the NCLB Act.)
Then FEA President Andy Ford said that in
Tallahassee, there was sincere belief that the rich
need to be richer, and that employees should be
interchangeable commodities. He enumerated some of
the union's legislative victories, and said that
electoral victory is within reach, but only if we
fight for it.
As an example, Ford described the primary
battle over the Republican nomination for Florida
Senate District 38 (essentially Miami-Dade). J.
Alex Villalobos had served since 2000, and became
the Republican Majority Leader in 2004. But he
opposed an initiative to weaken the class-size
amendment and another initiative to protect
vouchers. He was forced out of the leadership in
the midst of the session, and then Frank Bolanos,
chairman of the Miami-Dade school board, ran
against Villalobos in the primary with the support
of Jeb Bush.
While a few brave Republicans supported
Villalobos -- Nancy Argenziano, R-Leon County,
complained about "an unusually public gubernatorial
tantrum occasioned because he couldn't intimidate
a member of the Senate," most kept a safe distance
or joined Bush's posse. According to the Miami
Herald (a source for this account), "third party"
groups spent $ 6 million attacking Villalobos, a
million in the last week before the primary. As
many old friends abandoned him, the United
Teachers of Dade (backed by the FEA) supported him
during the primary, and Villalobos won 10,637
votes against 10,059.
Without our support, Frank Bolanos would be
the Republican nominee in a race with only token
opposition, a point that should be remembered
next year, for Ford went on to describe an
initiative for the next session. This is the
"I pledge" campaign, for "A Commitment to Public
Schools." The pledge calls for:
- "Smaller class sizes for Florida's
- "Better funding for our public schools,"
- "Support for schools in need -- not private
school vouchers," and
- "Competitive wages for teachers and support
Already, volunteers are collecting signatures,
and some plan to be asking voters to sign on
November 7. The goal is a million signatures
(but more would be nice) to present as a
petition to a hopefully more receptive or at least
chastened legislature. We already have support
from school boards, superintendents, chambers of
commerce, county commissions, and our AFL-CIO
brothers, the NFL Jacksonville Jaguars. For more
information, see the
On Friday morning, Senator Bill Nelson arrived to
thank us, asserting that, "your profession should
be the most respected profession in America."
Saying that he had been inspired by John F Kennedy,
and quoting Kennedy ("A child mis-educated is a
child lost"), he outlined the history of the NCLB
Act. It was originally worked out between the
White House and Senator Edward Kennedy, and the
White House had committed $ 18 billion a year for
it; but Bush reneged, and the average
appropriation was between $ 11 and $ 12 billion
per year. Nevertheless, without providing the
necessary funds, the White House still holds
schools to the mandates. "Under these mandates,"
said Nelson, "nothing seems to matter as much as
this one-time test score." He said that Congress
would revisit the program next year and advised
us, "Elections do change government policy; know
what I mean?"
After lunch, Congressman Jim Davis came to
give a forceful speech beginning with: "The heart
and soul of our state are our schools, and you are
the heart and soul of our schools." Davis is
running for the office that matters most to Florida
educators -- including us, for the governor
appoints university governors and trustees.
Perhaps to contrast himself with the current
governor, Davis promised, "as the next governor of
the state of Florida, I will always treat you with
respect." NCLB being the hot topic, he turned
to Florida's miniature version of NCLB, promising
"we ... are going to end the FCAT as we know it,"
but warned, "this is not going to come without a
big fight." With that, he turned on his opponent,
Attorney General Charlie Crist, who, Davis
suggested, was not up to speed on FCAT: according
to Davis, Crist had not known when the FCAT was
taking place (next year, February 26 - March 9 for
most students), and when asked by a reporter what he
thought of temporary workers grading FCAT worksheets,
Crist responded with "What's the problem?" Then
responding to a $ 30 million ad campaign featuring an
empty chair, Davis said he had a 93 % attendance
record in Congress. He concluded with: "This race
boils down to how badly we want it."
After a lot of cheering, Bill McBride came up
to give a low-key and somewhat homestyle talk
thanking FEA for supporting him in 2002 ("I ...
regret I was unable to win for you because you
deserve it"), and asking us to support his wife,
Alex Sink, for the second most powerful office in
the state government. He described the new office
of Chief Financial Officer as roughly the combined
comptroller, insurance commissioner, and treasurer.
McBride described Sink, a Phi Beta Kappa math major
who worked her way up the banking industry to
become Florida President of Bank of America, as a
problem-solver. He noted a philosophical
difference between Sink and her opponent, former
President of the Senate Tom Lee (whose majority
leader was ... Alex Villalobos): Lee regards the
office of CFO as political, and thus does not
regard his lack of financial experience as a
handicap. Sink, on the other hand, regards the
office as a public service, and McBride promised,
"my wife will always be faithful to you."
It is widely anticipated that Nelson will
defeat former Florida Secretary of State Katherine
Harris, but the races for governor and CFO are too
volatile to call and considering early voting, will
probably remain so until after polls close. The
FEA has endorsed Nelson, Davis, and Sink, and
strongly urges everyone to vote in the November 7
Election Kudos
Congratulations to all the winners in the recent
elections, and to all the citizens who contributed
time and money to their campaigns.
It appears that some things will change
significantly in Washington, as the Democrats
reorganize both houses of Congress. While former
USF student body president Les Miller lost his
Congressional race, the person to whom he lost is
Kathy Castor, daughter of former USF President
Betty Castor and friend of UFF and the university.
Florida will experience less change than
Washington, but most insiders expect a toning down
of the confrontational partisanship that marked the
Bush years. Charlie Crist is by nature less
domineering than Jeb and more willing to listen to
what others have to say. Much of his success as
Attorney General can be attributed to his
willingness to keep experienced staff from Bob
Butterworth's tenure rather than engaging in a
draconian partisan housecleaning.
In the legislature, the balance of power
remains unchanged, but the fact that Alex
Villalobos was re-elected to a Republican Senate
seat despite the full force of Governor Bush's
wrath and the massive funding for his primary
opponent is expected to encourage a little more
independence among Republican senators.
Villalobos had angered Bush by opposing some
controversial education bills (opposed by UFF and
the FEA), so Senate President Tom Lee removed him
from the Senate leadership and the line of
succession, and the Bush machine recruited and
funded his opponent in retribution -- but
Villalobos, with union help, prevailed. The
political hot-stove league is titillated by
theories about a possible coalition of Democrats
and dissident Republicans restoring Villalobos to
his original selection to be the next Senate
President in 2008.
Also in the Senate, USF advisor Charlie
Justice has moved up from the House and can be
expected to continue his strong support for
education in general and USF in particular. Les
Miller will be replaced by Arthenia Joyner, a
neighbor and friend of the union and the
The United Faculty of Florida now has more
members in the Florida Legislature than any other
union. USF/St Petersburg professor (and former
dean) Bill Heller, and New College Professor
Keith Fitzgerald are both newly elected to the
House. We are thinking of forming a UFF caucus
in the Florida Legislature.
Alex Sink, of course, is our new Chief
Financial Officer and the only Democrat on the
formerly entirely Republican Florida Cabinet.
She lives just down the road in Thonotosassa and
has many friends at USF.
All in all, both the union and the
university could have done a lot worse.
FEA Delegate Assembly, Part II
The United Faculty of Florida is a "local"
affiliated with the Florida Education Association
(FEA), which represents educators and support
personnel throughout Florida. It is jointly
affiliated with both the National Education
Association (NEA) and the American Federation of
Teachers (AFT, which in turn is affiliated with
the AFL-CIO). The FEA's legislative body is the
Delegate Assembly, which meets annually. Each
union local is represented by a number of
delegates; this year just under a thousand
delegates (and about two hundred guests) met in
a ballroom for a day and a half in late October.
The big issue was the upcoming reauthorization of
the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act.
The previous reauthorization, passed in 2002, was
entitled "An Act To close the gap with
accountability, flexibility, and choice, so that
no child is left behind"; that law is posted
This is the celebrated NCLB Act, and the next
reauthorization is due in 2007.
At the FEA Assembly, after the initial
introductions, technicalities, and announcements,
American Federation of Teachers Executive Vice
President Toni Cortese talked about the NCLB. The
Elementary and Secondary Education Act was first
passed in 1965 as part of Lyndon Johnson's War on
Poverty, and there is some concern that with NCLB,
some of the original intent has been left behind.
Cortese noted that the AFT supports the
principles officially underlying NCLB -- high
standards, good teachers, helping weak students --
but she said that what teachers tell AFT is that
the curriculum is narrowing as teachers are
required to teach what is tested, that special
education students are penalized, that vast
amounts of time and effort is put into testing
itself, and that many teachers do not believe that
the tests adequately measure academic progress.
When the AFT studied the NCLB, they found a
mess. States have a jumble of assessment schemes,
not necessarily based on the actual tests: eleven
states match their tests with assessment.
Sometimes the authors of the assessment schemes
were asleep: one state uses the same standards
for the second and eighth grades. [The previous
Biweekly erroneously said that 70 % of the schools
did not make Adequate Yearly Progress, when in
fact it was 30 % that failed to do so.] When Paul
Pederson of Harvard (he is the Henry Lee Shattuck
Professor of Government and Director of the
Program on Education Policy and Governance -- and
Cortese described him as "NOT a friend of ours")
looked at the NCLB, he concluded that Adequate
Yearly Progress was an inaccurate school measure
-- and in fact, Florida's results were
indistinguishable from random.
Cortese concluded with a discussion of
accountability. Schools that "fail" have two
years to recover or face sanctions. Cortese did
not go into the problem that "failure" might be
a random event [readers may recall that some
Florida schools got quite different evaluations
at the state and federal levels], but instead
proposed that schools in trouble should get
assistance. Then she turned on the government,
saying that if politicians provide inadequate
resources, they should be held accountable. As
an example, she said many urban districts lack
texts and try to hoard them in strange ways
(largely by keeping them out of the hands of
NEA Executive Committee Member Becky
Pringle also addressed the effects of the NCLB
Act. At present, no state is in compliance,
which may be understandable as the federal
government isn't either: as mentioned in the
last Biweekly, the federal government has not
fully funded the NCLB. Even more alarming,
the mean deficit is increasing:
For fiscal year 2002, $ 4.2 billion
For fiscal year 2003, $ 5.4 billion
For fiscal year 2004, $ 7.6 billion
For fiscal year 2005, $ 9.8 billion
For fiscal year 2006, $ 13.4 billion
Pringle then outlined outlined seven classes of
criteria for accountability that the NEA would
be pursuing:
- Experience beyond the school, from Pre-K
to after school, including counseling and
- High expectations and standards in a rich
and comprehensive curriculum that includes
music, social studies, etc.
- Physical and work conditions, from supplies
and infrastructure to time for planning.
- A qualified, stable, caring and dedicated
- Shared responsibility and accountability
for all participants -- including the
- Parental, family, and community involvement
and engagement.
- The necessary funding to make all this work,
equitably appropriated.
Pringle then went on to the NEA's priorities,
beginning with accountability (using broader
measures than those proposed by the NCLB), class
size, and attracting qualified personnel with better
compensation and work conditions.
The issue affects higher education in at least
two ways. First, freshmen are increasingly students
who have been taught courses designed to prepare
them for particular standardized tests -- not for
the next course or any other such distant goal.
Second, testing enthusiasts are touting standardized
exams for higher education, which would result in
pressure on us to teach to such exams.
The Long Range Plan
One of the primary duties of the leadership of a
university is to plan for the future. Such plans
should not be too rigid -- the Duke of Wellington
once ascribed his victory at Waterloo to his own
habit of making plans out of string while
Napoleon made plans out of wire -- but it should at
least be descriptive enough to keep us honest and to
keep our eyes on the ball.
That brings us to USF's plan. Like many
institutions, USF has a Strategic Plan. This plan
describes USF's goals for five years, at the end
of which one would expect an assessment of progress
made, and the development of a new plan. The period
of the 2002 - 2007 plan is coming to an end, and the
2007 - 2012 plan is being formulated. The old plan
as is
a UFF commentary on it.
We are now in the midst of a comment period:
the Administration has posted
a draft,
and has requested comments by November 24. UFF does
not have an official role here -- although we do
retain the right to submit comments -- but we do
have some unsolicited advice.
First of all, while some of the plan is
actually carried out by the Administration and the
Board (e.g., obtaining and allocating funds), much
of it is either the direct (amount of research done)
or indirect (number of external honors awarded)
result of faculty activity. That means that the
new plan needs more than faculty comments. It needs
faculty involvement. There are two reasons for
First, there is a common bureaucratic delusion
that confuses action and activity. Just because
some body composes a plan doesn't mean that it will
happen -- not even if (by some miracle) necessary
funding appears. The planners need to know what
faculty are doing and where they are going in order
to build on success rather than on thin air.
Second, a plan presented from on high with
much pomp and condescension has only the Powers That
Be committed to it: if faculty had no part in
actually developing it, why should we be committed
to it? The same goes for the community, and the
Board should not make the mistake that it is the
community incarnate (any more than that the
Administration is the university incarnate), and
a plan produced behind closed doors does not have
any community commitment.
But if faculty were to be involved in the plan
(rather than just queried for comments), faculty
would be getting information on how the previous
plan worked. There is some information -- largely
a stack of weakly prioritized numbers. Presumably
we will have some kind of clear and public account
of how USF did in meeting its goals -- and a
discussion of where to go from here. Considering
that it is the faculty that do the work, and that
it is the community that pays the bills, such a
public discussion should take place, and be more
than just a formality.
And there are a number of issues that have
appeared over the last few years that it might be
a good idea for the plan to address. A number of
these have to do with an entire subject ignored by
the previous plan: leadership. A number of
leadership issues have become pressing, from
shared governance to the stresses of creating an
administration capable of managing a Research I
university. And the Board and the Administration
have been largely reactive, leading to a collage
of patchwork, promises, and rationalizations.
After half a century of business experts telling
us about the importance of proper organization
-- and the problems with pyramid-type hierarchies
-- it might be a good time for USF to, ahem, leave
the 19th century. We could begin with a more open
assessment of USF's past performance and
development of the next plan.
Speaking to the Board of Trustees
Once again the agenda of the BOT meeting does not include
UFF, despite the contractual provision quoted above.
This first happened at Chair Rhea Law's first meeting,
in September. When the agenda was posted without including
UFF, the union called the Board office to ask what was
going on. We were told that this was not an attempt to
restrict or eliminate the union's participation, but was part
of a general change cutting out most of the reports in favor
of more discussion. As we don't think this is an acceptable
change, we asked the staff to make sure that Chair Law knew
that UFF objected to the change. Then we had some exchanges
with a staff attorney. Then we got a call saying that we
would be on the agenda. Then Chair Law called President
Weatherford to discuss the issue, apparently unaware of the
last call from the administration. So President Weatherford
told her not to worry, it was all worked out. Then both
were surprised the next morning -- he because we were not, in
fact, on the agenda, she because she thought we were no
longer going to be angry.
The staff told us that Chair Law would call on us for
comments at the appropriate time. She did so, and
Weatherford expressed concern at this apparent diminution of
faculty input and violation of the contract. Chair Law said
she wanted to continue the discussion later.
In fact, the two of them did discuss it again. Once in
her office and once by phone. She asked for more time to
think about it. As the meeting approached we reminded staff
that we needed to know pretty soon in order to decide how to
respond. Then, without comment, they posted the next agenda
-- again without UFF being on it.
At tomorrow's membership meeting the UFF chapter will
discuss and decide on the appropriate response to this
situation. If you will not be there, but would like to send
comments, please send them from a non-USF account to
President Weatherford.
Ending with a Whimper?
Charles Fair has commented that some battles are so
obscured by the fog of war that it is not even clear who
won. One way to find out, Fair suggests, is to look at
what happens afterward.
There was something of a campaign in the Pennsylvania
House Select Committee's investigation of academic -- i.e.,
liberal -- bias in academia. The divisions within the
committee ran along partisan lines, with Republican members
warning of professorial oppression of conservative students,
and Democratic members grumping about how the whole
enterprise was a waste of the taxpayers' money. Overarching
the whole affair was the division of the Pennsylvania House
-- 109 Republicans versus 94 Democrats -- in a populous
state that both parties see as being in national play.
House Resolution 177 created the Select Committee,
which investigated the University of Pittsburg (see
our Dec. 1, 2005 report),
Temple University (see
our January 26, 2006 report),
Millersville University (see
our April 6, 2006 report),
and finally at Harrisburg Area Community College (see
our June 15 report).
The hearings featured visitors from out of state deploring
rampant academic bias in Pennsylvania colleges and
universities, local administrators contending that there
were no problems, local students complaining about other
issues (e.g., college costs) not on the agenda, and local
faculty in pro and con camps. The report was supposed to
come out this fall. And indeed it finally is, piece by
The overarching reality, 109 Republicans versus 94
Democrats, shifted on November 7, and is shifting still,
now standing at 101 Republicans, 101 Democrats, and
election officials, party observers, lawyers and
reporters watching poor Chester County dither over what
ballots to count a very close race. (In the latest
count, the Democrats were ahead, but the snarling
continues.) Meanwhile, Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum,
one of the major radical -- sorry, arch conservative --
figures in the Republican party, was fired by his
constituents. Amidst all this, the Select Committee's
report ... still wasn't finished.
A week after the election, the committee met and
composed a report that was soon released to the media.
( has very kindly posted
this report on their website).
Much of the report consisted of a somewhat disorganized
summary listing various complaints made against biassed
academics. A careful reader may notice a certain bias
in the material selected for inclusion in the summary.
(Free Exchange On Campus, a coalition of the AAUP, the
ACLU, the AFT and the NEA, etc., etc., posted an
analysis of the testimony presented at the hearings, see
their analysis
and compare with the Summary.) Nevertheless, despite
the muddle, the primary theoretician for the Committee,'s David Horowitz, was delighted:
"Pennsylvania Committee Finds Students Have No Rights,"
he wrote on Nov. 15 (see
his column.)
Noting that the Select Committee had "determined that a
significant number of institutions had adopted faculty
academic freedom policies, but not student academic
freedom policies," Horowitz quoted himself saying, "We
have been trying to draw attention to this deficiency in
university policies for three years. Now our pleas have
been heard." And he vowed to take his campaign to other
This view of the report was not universal, for the
Associated Press reported on Nov. 15 that "Academic bill
of rights flunked: Statewide rules for public colleges
are unnecessary, because bias is rare, a legislative
panel has found." The disagreement arose because while
the Summary of the report was alarming, the Findings
section found little to be alarmed about. Indeed,
Pennsylvania State University's Michael Berube, one of
the 101 most dangerous professors (according to David
Horowitz), told Inside Higher Ed that he had no problem
with the committee's recommendations (which were largely
to encourage colleges and universities to institute
their own reforms). More to the point, the Select
Committee had met without a quorum (!), so the report
that everyone was talking about wasn't the real report,
The Select Committee had a quorum a week after
that, and there the Committee simply chopped out the
Summary, tweaked a few other items, and plopped what
Horowitz called "the eviscerated report" before the
public, which
also posted.
Horowitz blamed teachers' unions for the evisceration;
he is clearly planning on continuing the fight.
Meanwhile, Free Exchange on Campus announced that
"Pennsylvania Purges Horowitz Taint From Report," and
suggested that Horowitz had had a hand in drafting the
deleted Summary. Free Exchange on Campus also said
that "we hope that the legislature will turn to the
real problems students face in Pennsylvania, such as
paying for their education."
Amidst all this fog, it is not clear who won, if
anyone. Much of the media is giving this round to
Academia, but that may be precipitate; after all, the
officially official report still isn't out yet (!).
Still, the fizz started going out of the effort once
the lead legislator, Gib Armstrong, lost his primary
just before the fourth set of hearings. Facing
uncertainty about the next year, the Select Committee
may have decided to punt: certainly, the half-baked
appearance of the report suggests a committee that
wanted to get it out of their hair. But if Charles Fair
is right, we will not see who won by examining the
current noises emanating from the blogs, but by seeing
what happens next, once Chester County's ballots are
counted, and the House starts its new session.
Neglecting Euterpe
One of the perks of membership in the United Faculty of
Florida is a set of free subscriptions to publications of
the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the
National Education Association (NEA). One of these is
the AFT's American Educator, a quarterly that covers
issues in education. In the Fall 2006 issue, there were
two articles on music education.
Thanks to the electronic revolution, music has
become ubiquitous. In a Zen-like fashion, we often do
not notice it simply because it is everywhere. But many
societies took music very seriously -- it is one of the
original seven liberal arts -- and it may arise from deep
in our minds. The journalist/ naturalist David
Attenborough proposed that music is the source of much of
what makes us "human." In his PBS production
Song of the Earth, he
describes troops of social primates that delimit their
territories by getting together and vocalizing. The ...
songs? ... are complex and seem to help bond the group as
well as intimidate outsiders (two uses of music we see in
ourselves today). Attenborough describes our ancestors
singing in groups, and suggests that it is here that we
see some of the origin of language. Certainly there is a
connection between language on the one hand and rhythm
and rhyme on the other, for oral historians have long
known that humans can memorize vast amounts of material
(the Iliad and the Odyssey, for example) if it is set to
Peter Kalkavage is a tutor at Saint John's College
in Maryland, and Director of their Chorus. He wrote the
cover article of the Fall 2006 AFT American Educator, on
The Neglected Muse: Why Music is an Essential Liberal
Art. Kalkavage begins by saying that "Music has a
central place in the lives of young people. For many,
music is their life." Therefore, "Teaching music to the
young is ... more than conveying ... information and ...
facts, or ... [to] develop their talent ... [or] make
them ... refined." Instead, teaching music gives "them
an opportunity to know themselves better by ... [showing
them] the amazing power that music has over them."
Kalkavage says that students must learn to listen,
and to play, but most of
his article
is about listening. First of all, there are the nuts
and bolts of harmony, based on Pythagoras's observation
that successful chords were composed of notes with
special relationships to each other. For example,
Kalkavage describes a stringed device called a
sonometer, which consists of two taut strings over a
soundboard, with a moveable bridge under one of them:
the bridge allows the user to pluck the bridged string
as if it were a string of any selected length. A
student will discover that when the bridge is in the
middle, the bridged string will produce a note an
octave higher than the other; other chordal
relationships can be worked out by experimenting with
the bridge. Students soon discover a compelling motive
for understanding fractions.
Kalkavage goes on to how we are influenced by
music. He seems greatly influenced by Greek notions
of beauty; contrasting beauty and pleasure, he writes
that "We can take pleasure in something ugly and base."
Beauty requires education to recognize, and that is one
motive behind his article. Once students are taught to
recognize and appreciate beauty, they can experiment
intelligently with beauty; for example, they can learn
how a melody holds together by seeing what happens if
they change one of the notes. "In music, the question
of beauty comes down largely to ... how musical forces
combine to form a whole."
At this point, the gentle webmaster notes that
Kalkavage's proposal is to start with "great music in
the classical tradition" -- he lists Bach, Mozart, and
Beethoven -- and the classical tradition remains at the
center of his view. But when we speak of the POWER of
music, we are often speaking not of beauty, but of what
Eighteenth Century critics called the "sublime," which
is often associated with the Romantics from Beethoven
and Chopin to Wagner and Brahms. Classicists (who were
fond of gentle fields and elegant fountains) complained
from the start that the Romantics were abandoning
beauty, to which the Romantics (who were fond of craggy
mountains and stormy seas) replied that they had other
priorities. Beauty may not be the only thing students
should learn about.
But compared to Kalkavage's primary complaint --
that music is an orphan that schools are abandoning --
the focus on beauty is a quibble. Moving away from
both the Classical and the Romantic, the American
Educator also ran an interview with jazz trumpeter
Wynton Marsalis, who said that "Music, in its purest
form, encompasses the very ideals that we want to
impart to our children." In
the interview,
he describes a jazz performance as a cooperative
effort in which individual musicians must work
together for the piece to succeed. Like Kalkavage,
Marsalis regards much popular music as accoustical
soda pop, saying that bands should play classical
band music (he mentions Sousa, Joplin, Bernstein, and
Ellington); when the interviewer suggested that high
school bands tend to play the music students like,
Marsalis said that students have not heard the great
music, and had only heard "the latest commercial
musical ventures."
Music education was sidelined in America long
before the current fashion in standardized testing
marginalized it by not testing it. Music education
is regarded as a frill, often living off the crumbs
of that most basic of necessities, the high school
football team. And this raises the question that
these articles did not address: how is it that music
is a luxury and football a necessity? It is this
riddle that we may have to answer if we are to bring
something more than musical soda pop into our
Happy Holidays
Isaac Newton, Jr., was born in Woolsthorpe manor, in
Lincolnshire, on what contemporary Englishmen called
December 25, 1642 (this was before England, um, "corrected"
its calendar). Isaac Sr. had died two months earlier, and
young Isaac was raised by his grandmother at the manor. He
was "idle" and "inattentive" at school, so his mother (with
whom he had ... issues) set him to managing the family
estate, where he was idle and inattentive, until an
exasperated uncle sent him to Trinity College at Cambridge
University in 1661. As the story goes, he was supposed to
study law, but found an astrology book at a fair with some
interesting mathematics in it, and got hooked.
It is not clear what Newton's relationship was with
his teacher and mentor, Isaac Barrow, who arrived at
Cambridge in 1663. Barrow came up with the earliest
version of what we now call "the fundamental theorem of the
calculus," and in many ways Newton followed in Barrow's
footsteps. Barrow helped him repeatedly (when Barrow
resigned as Lucasian Professor, he lobbied successfully to
get Newton to take his place). Still, it was a long time
before Newton's work on calculus -- and its applications to
the physics of motion and gravity -- was published, and
only then because the astronomer Edmund Halley (of comet
fame) badgered him into it.
Newton is also remembered for inventing the reflecting
telescope, proving that white light is composed of many
colors (an idea originally proposed by Roger Bacon), and
cleaning up Her Majesty's coinage (and making life
unpleasant for counterfeiters). He was the first English
person knighted for scientific work.
It is often denied that Newton got the idea for
gravity by being bonked by an apple falling off a tree at
Woolsthorpe manor: Cambridge was closed because of the
plague in the mid-1660s, so Newton went home and thought
about optics, calculus, and physics (he would compute
logarithms to fifty places as recreation). Nevertheless,
the tree is still there, so who knows.
Much as been made of Newton's genius, so here is what
he said about it. First, "I keep the subject of my inquiry
constantly before me, and wait till the first dawning opens
gradually, by little and little, into a full and clear
light." Second, "If I have ever made any valuable
discoveries, it has been owing more to patient attention,
than to any other talent." Most famously, he wrote to
Robert Hooke that "If I have seen further it is by standing
on the shoulders of giants," a quote even more telling when
one remembers that centuries before, St. Bernard of
Clairvaux (allegedly) said that we are but dwarves standing
on the shoulders of giants. Try these quotes on your
students and see what happens.
So make some cider and have a Happy Isaac Newton's
birthday! (And also Alban Arthuan, Chanukkah, Christmas /
Epiphany, Dong Zhi, (and Eid al-Adha this year), Kwanzaa,
New Year's, Winter Solstice, and all other holidays in
between.) This is the last Biweekly of the year, but we
will return in January.